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Join HC3 on Tuesday, December 9 at 11AM EST for our seventh Health Communication Innovation Webinar.
Presentations and examples will give the audience insight into utilizing and evaluating social media components of health communication campaigns.
Matthew Heck, Program Coordinator at TechChange: The Institute for Technology and Social Change, will moderate the discussion.
Panelists include:
Anahi Ayala Iacucci, Senior Innovation Advisor for the Internews Center for Innovation & Learning, has consulted for NGOs and international organizations on the use of the ICT4D, new technologies and crisis mapping, and namely UN OCHA Iraq Inter-Agency Information and Analysis Unit, Alliance Guinea, Freedom House, the World Bank, Ushahidi Inc., NDI and The Popular Engagement Policy Lab. Anahi is currently also Expert Advisor on Mobile Technology for The Popular Engagement Policy Lab and sits on the Board of Director of the NGO Freedom Connect. Before covering this role, Anahi spent two years as the Media Innovation Advisor for the Africa Region, Health and Humanitarian Media, covering several countries in Africa. Anahi has been named by the Diplomatic Courier to the 2012 99 Under 33 list, as one of the 99 under 33 most influential foreign policy leader in the Innovators Category.
Amy Rowland, Digital Media Strategist and Public Health Communicator, Center for Disease Control, works across teams on innovative strategies, new and emerging technologies, digital and social media integration and online media & influencer engagement. She recently developed and launched CDC’s Public Health Nerd campaign during YouTube’s Geek Week. The social media project is designed to increase awareness about careers in public health and CDC’s role in strengthening families and communities and in maintaining a stable, healthy nation. Previously, Amy served as digital media lead and provided news media support for CDC’s Injury Center, and most recently supervised digital media creative development and strategy for CDC’s Tips from Former Smokers campaign within the Office on Smoking and Health.
Sheridan Marfil, Digital Producer, United Nations Foundation, works primarily on the Shot@Life campaign. She maintains the campaign’s website and social media channels. Prior to joining the Foundation in August 2013, Sheridan was an Online Communications Specialist at USAID’s Office U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA). In this role, she managed USAID/OFDA’s online presence and properties. Sheridan holds a BA in International Relations from Syracuse University (#GoCuse) and is working on a MS in Interactive Media from Quinnipiac University part-time.