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Integrated SBCC Programs: Key Challenges and Promising Strategies

The Integrated SBCC Programs: Key Challenges and Promising Strategies webinar held on September 25, 2017 provided an overview of key considerations when designing, implementing and evaluating integrated social and behavior […]
Consolidating the Evidence: Increasing Family Planning Uptake through Social and Behavior Change

This September 6, 2017 webinar, hosted by the Health Communication Capacity Collaborative, spotlighted emerging platforms that centralize family planning (FP) and social and behavior change (SBC) tools and evidence – […]
Strengthening Malaria SBCC through Research, Monitoring and Evaluation

This August 29, 2017 webinar held by the Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) highlighted three new tools for malaria social and behavior change communication (SBCC) research, monitoring and evaluation (RM&E). […]
Innovation Webinar 16: Human-Centered Design

This June 27, 2017 webinar introduced human-centered design (HCD), an approach to problem solving that prioritizes empathy, actively engaging end-users, providers and other stakeholders throughout the development process. This online event is the sixteenth in HC3’s innovation webinar series, designed to spotlight a broad range of health communication innovations while providing a meaningful mix of theory and practical examples.
Webinar: Men as More than Partners: Increasing Men’s Use of Sexual and Reproductive Health Products and Services through SBCC

This June 21, 2017 webinar featured presentations on social and behavior change communication (SBCC) interventions designed to successfully increase men’s demand for and use of sexual and reproductive health products and services.
Webinar: The Critical Role of Social and Behavior Change across the Service Delivery Continuum

This webcast event explored successes, challenges and promising approaches in the integration of social and behavior change (SBC) along the service delivery continuum to improve health outcomes. Following the presentation of a new overarching model developed by HC3 – the Circle of Care – a panel discussion focused on grounded strategies which have been used to effectively integrate SBC to improve service-related outcomes across a range of health areas.
Webinar on Meeting Adolescents’ Needs: Findings from a Three-Country VMMC Assessment

This webinar highlighted the findings from a three-country Adolescent VMMC Assessment. The goal of the study was to gain a better understanding of whether VMMC programs are adequately meeting adolescent needs in age-appropriate ways by exploring counseling, communication and client-provider interaction. Cross-country comparisons were shared from Tanzania, Zimbabwe and South Africa. The findings have implications for all countries working in the VMMC arena as well as in adolescent sexual and reproductive health programming.
Webinar on Capacity Strengthening Evaluation: What Role Can Outcome Harvesting Play?

This March 30, 2017 webinar featured an expert panel that discussed the challenges of evaluating capacity strengthening, what makes the outcome harvesting methodology unique and how outcome harvesting addresses some of the challenges of capacity strengthening evaluation.
Strengthening SBCC Capacity at the National Level to Improve Health Outcomes for All

On March 23, the Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) convened experts and practitioners for the second in a three-part series on catalyzing social and behavior change communication (SBC).
Webinar on Malaria in Pregnancy: Promoting Uptake of Intermittent Preventive Treatment

This March 16, 2017 webinar included presenters from the Maternal and Child Survival Program (MCSP) and HC3. Presenters described current efforts to improve the prevention and treatment of malaria in pregnancy (MiP) that focus on service providers, pregnant women and those who influence both groups.
Innovation Webinar 15: Data Visualization

This March 8, 2017 webinar introduced data visualization’s key role in global health programs for communicating information clearly and effectively to diverse audiences, including beneficiaries, program managers and donors. By presenting data in ways that are both visually appealing and easy to understand, data visualization can be used to convey impactful and compelling evidence that influences behavior change and improves program performance.
Webinar: Improving Public Health Emergency Programs with SBCC

This January 26, 2017 webinar introduced the SBCC Emergency Helix and practical resources for integrating it into current and future public health emergencies. Speakers discussed the importance of continuous community engagement, formative and operational research, and media partnership in emergency contexts, drawing on their experiences with the Ebola and Zika responses.
Webinar: Health Communication’s Role Across the HIV Treatment Continuum

This January 12, 2017 webinar featured a selection of authors from the January 1, 2017 supplement of the Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes (JAIDS). The supplement highlighted the role of health communication across the HIV treatment continuum.
JAIDS 2016 Impact of Health Communication on HIV Treatment Outcomes – In-person and Online event

A selection of authors featured in the December 9 supplement of the Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes (JAIDS) presented.
Innovation Webinar 14: Real-time Activity Monitoring and Reporting

This December 7, 2016 webinar highlighted real-time activity monitoring and reporting technologies and how they are advancing global health. This online event is the thirteenth in HC3’s innovation webinar series, designed to spotlight a broad range of health communication innovations while providing a meaningful mix of theory and practical examples.
Webinar: Making the Most of In-Service Communication: A Reference Guide to VMMC Counseling

This November 7, 2016 webinar VMMC walks users through the new VMMC In-Service Communication Best Practices Guide, which helps to ensure that the communication and counseling at VMMC sites is comprehensive and standardized across PEPFAR’s country programs.
Webinar: Promoting Quality Malaria Medicines with SBCC

This November 2, 2016 webinar highlights issues with malaria medicine regulation and quality assurance, the process and results of an SBCC campaign in Akwa Ibom, Nigeria, and the launch of a new online tool to support program managers and local staff in developing SBCC strategies tailored to their local needs.
Webinar: Strengthening Emergency Response through Social and Behavior Change Communication

This September 29, 2016 webinar explored the importance of SBCC for emergencies and the ways SBCC activities, tools and resources can inform the various communication aspects of emergencies. Speakers shared […]
Webinar: SBCC Approaches to Provider Behavior Change

This September 27, 2016 webinar explored the application of SBCC for influencing provider behavior change. Panelists discussed the challenges in influencing provider behavior, particularly provider interaction with clients, the evidence for applying an SBCC approach to provider behavior change and examples of tools and specific approaches for influencing provider behavior.
Webinar: Six Local Stories of Generating Demand for RMNCAH Commodities

This September 8, 2016 webinar brought together six panelists – all recipients of a small project grant – to discuss their experiences in adapting and using the Demand Generation I-Kit for their local context and their efforts toward developing and implementing demand generation strategies in their respective countries.