Developing a Thriving Ecosystem for Data Visualization
A recent Innovation Webinar on Data Visualization explored how…

Data Visualization: A Tool for Effective Health Communication
The latest in the Health Communication Capacity Collaborative's Innovation Webinar series focused on using data visualization to advance global health.

Real-time Data for Real-time Decisions
The latest in the Health Communication Capacity Collaborative Innovation webinar series focused on real-time activity monitoring and reporting.

The Difference between Online Communities and Online Communities of Practice
“Online communities are really everywhere,” pointed out Todd…

Innovation Webinar 13: Online Communities of Practice
This August 31, 2016 webinar focused on utilizing online COPs to connect global health practitioners.

Location Matters: Innovation Webinar Recap on GIS and Location-Based Interventions
In the twelfth installment of the Health Communication Innovation Webinar Series, presenters shared stories of various applications of GIS in social and behavior change communication (SBCC) campaigns.

Innovation Webinar 12: GIS and Location-Based Interventions
This March 29, 2016 webinar focused on utilizing GIS and location-based interventions as a part of social and behavior change communication (SBCC) campaigns.

Innovation Webinar 11: Transmedia and Entertainment-Education
This December 8, 2015 webinar on transmedia and entertainment-education for social and behavior change communication (SBCC) marked the eleventh in HC3’s innovation webinar series, which highlights and examines cutting-edge applications of digital technology to advance global health.

Innovation Webinar on Storytelling Across Multiple Platforms
Transmedia storytelling – also known as multi-platform storytelling…

Innovation Webinar 9: Cutting-Edge Health Communication Apps
An innovation webinar on cutting-edge health communication apps was held on Tuesday, June 9, 2015. Presentations on four innovative health communication applications that are improving health outcomes in low-resource settings are linked here.

Innovation Webinar 8: Digital Storytelling
An innovation webinar on digital storytelling was held on Tuesday, March 10, 2015. Presentations on utilizing digital storytelling techniques for health communication campaigns are linked here.