The Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) is a five-year, global project funded by USAID.
It is designed to strengthen developing country capacity to implement state-of-the-art social and behavior change communication (SBCC) programs.
Latest News from HC3

Smart Client and Smart Couple: Digital Health Tools to Empower Women and Couples for Family Planning

Springboard Launches in Zambia
Springboard Zambia launched on May 11, 2017, with approximately 40 people in attendance from 24 different organizations representing the government, donors and civil society.
Celebrating the Seeds of Change in Guatemala
Juntos Prosperamos. Nos atrevemos. Avanzamos (Together we…
Video Demonstrates How SBC Works in Partnership with Service Delivery
The Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) has released a video demonstrating the impact social and behavior change (SBC) has in partnership with service delivery in improving health outcomes.