On Monday, September 25 at 9 AM ET, login to: https://connect.johnshopkins.edu/integratedsbcc/
“Integrated SBCC Programs: Key Challenges and Promising Strategies” will provide an overview of key considerations when designing, implementing and evaluating integrated social and behavior change communication (SBCC) programs. Presenters will highlight the key advantages and challenges involved in integrated SBCC programs, share experiences and lessons learned from country program examples and discuss data collection methods from ongoing projects. We invite everyone who is interested in SBCC or integrated SBCC to join the conversation.
Please join us for a webinar on Monday, Sep 25, 2017, 9am EDT.
Moderated by: Hope Hempstone, Senior Behavior Change Advisor, USAID
- Hope Hempstone has over 15 years of experience designing, implementing and managing SBCC and social marketing projects for FP/RH and HIV/AIDS. She is a Senior SBCC Advisor in USAID’s Office of Population and Reproductive Health (PRH), and serves as the AOR for a number of global projects focused on social and behavior change, including HC3, Transform, Breakthrough-ACTION, and Breakthrough-RESEARCH. Her work at USAID focuses heavily upon improving alignment between SBCC and service delivery; integration of SBCC efforts across health areas; and strengthening individual, institutional, and systems-level capacity in SBCC.
Panelists include:
- Sanjanthi (Sanji) Velu has over 15 years experience in the field of SBCC, capacity strengthening, communication research, multi-media production and project management. She is a senior program officer at the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs and currently provides technical and project management support to programs in Asia and Africa spanning a variety of topics including family planning, maternal, newborn and child health, nutrition, WASH, HIV/AIDS and tobacco control. Sanji will share with us key concepts and considerations when designing, implementing and evaluating an integrated SBCC program.
- Emmanuel Kayongo has over 14 years experience in communication and public health. He is currently the SBCC Advisor for the USAID Uganda Communication for Healthy Communities Project. Emmanuel’s expertise spreads across social and behavior change communication, research, monitoring, evaluation, health systems strengthening and administration in areas including HIV/AIDS, malaria, nutrition, sexual reproductive health, WASH, maternal and child health. Emmanuel will share experiences from designing and implementing the Integrated, Life-Cycle-Based Health Communication Campaign “OBULAMU”, and will also highlight results and lessons to date.
- Jen Orkis has been raising the bar on SBCC for more than 10 years. As a Senior Technical Advisor for SBCC at CCP, Jen leads the development of national multi-channeled SBCC initiatives, bringing Ministries of Health, implementing partners, creative agencies, and others around the table to harmonize communication efforts, maximize impact and strengthen capacity. Jen will share experiences from the Tanzania Capacity and Communication Project (TCCP), USAID’s flagship integrated SBCC initiative in Tanzania from 2010-2016, with a focus on the Wazazi Nipendeni (Love me, parents) campaign.
- Thaddeus (Thad) Pennas has more than 20 years of experience in behavioral change communication specializing in health communication, conflict resolution and media. Mr. Pennas currently serves as Technical Advisor with FHI360’s Global Health, Population and Nutrition Group (GHPN) where he is the team leader overseeing the technical implementation of numerous health communication and civil society engagement programs in Ghana, Malawi, Burundi and former SBC projects in Nigeria, DRC, Kenya, Ethiopia and Mozambique. Thad will share with us his experiences in using IVR technology to gather data in integrated programs.