Outcome Harvesting Evaluation of Social and Behavior Change Communication Capacity Strengthening Activities in Liberia

In October 2014, HC3 began working in Liberia to support the Ebola response. As part of the USAID strategy to rapidly address the worsening Ebola outbreak in Liberia via SBCC activities, HC3 provided a range of inputs including research and monitoring, messages and materials development and national- and county-level coordination and community engagement. As the number of Ebola cases decreased, HC3 shifted its focus and began working with the Ministry of Health (MOH) to support SBCC efforts to restore health services and build a more resilient health system. In January 2017, a CCP evaluation team worked with HC3 Liberia staff to apply a qualitative evaluation methodology, Outcome Harvesting, to measure the influence of HC3 Liberia’s capacity strengthening efforts on the behaviors of the MOH and key SBCC partners in Liberia. In order to gain an understanding of the context of the harvested outcomes and the nature of HC3’s influence, the evaluation team classified the outcomes by the type of HC3 programmatic area, the levels of the SBCC Capacity EcosystemTM Model, the global and country-specific intermediate results and the sustainability potential of the outcomes according to a set of criteria.

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