
57 search results for:


Swaziland Dual Protection Materials

This poster illustrates how two contraceptive methods are better than one. Swaziland Dual Protection Poster.             Swaziland Dual Protect brochure provides information about how to DOUBLE UP – two methods are better than one – to prevent pregnancy, HIV and STIs. Contraceptives help to prevent pregnancy, but doubling up with a condom helps to prevent pregnancy, HIV and STIs. Couples have the power to decide why to DOUBLE UP and to choose a c…


Healthy Timing and Spacing of Pregnancy Research Briefs: Advanced Maternal Age and High-Parity Pregnancy in Togo and Niger

In 2015, HC3 conducted research to better understand the knowledge, attitudes, practices and socio-cultural factors in Togo and Niger that lead women to continue having children later in life and after they have already had many births. Focusing solely on women age 35 and older and women having five or more births, the research ultimately informed the HC3 Healthy Timing and Spacing of Pregnancy (HTSP) Advanced Maternal Age and High-Parity Pregnan…


SBCC Capacity Strengthening in Action: Distributed Social and Behavior Change Communication Capacity Enables Nepal’s Young Married Couples to Make Smart Family Planning Choices

This case study explains a national Family Planning SBCC campaign that HC3 launched in partnership with Nepal’s Ministry of Health/National Health Education Information Communication Center (NHEICC) and the MOH’s Family Health Division. The campaign, Parivar Niyojan Smart Bancha Jeewan/Family Planning Makes a Smart Life, started in August 2015 and was tailored specifically to reach young people, migrants and disadvantaged groups. Download Nepal C…


Gender Dynamics and Modern Contraceptive Use Infographic

As follow-up to an initial study in 2015 of four social and behavior change communication (SBCC) campaigns that examined the role gender equity plays in determining family planning outcomes, HC3 researchers selected three of the original datasets that included variables needed to generate a more robust and conclusive analysis. The results of this study are currently under peer review. See HC3’s latest gender infographic for more information on th…


Healthy Timing and Spacing of Pregnancy Case Studies: Using the HTSP Implementation Kit to Address Advanced Maternal Age and High-Parity Pregnancy in Togo and Niger

In 2016, Marie Stopes International (MSI) and the Association Togolaise pour le Bien-Être Familial (ATBEF) utilized the HC3 Healthy Timing and Spacing of Pregnancy (HTSP) Advanced Maternal Age and High-Parity Pregnancy Implementation Kit to address and prevent high-risk pregnancies in Togo and Niger. En français. The case studies below present the results from each of those pilot projects: HTSP Case Study: SBCC Implementation Kit Helps Providers …


Community Dialogue Flip Chart: Childbirth Spacing is Good for Everyone

… This flip chart, which includes English and Hausa side-by-side, is meant to be used by facilitators to promote birth spacing, family planning (including permanent, long-acting and shorter term methods), and to explain the benefits of birth spacing for mothers, fathers, children and communities as a whole. Download the Flip Chart …


Compound Meeting Flip Chart: Childbirth Spacing is Good for Everyone

… This flip chart is intended to be used by community mobilizers in Nigeria making visits to compounds in order to discuss family planning and birth spacing options for women. The chart describes how women, their families and communities at large benefit from birth spacing. English and Hausa are included side-by-side. Download the Flip Chart …


Guide for Promoting Sexual and Reproductive Health Products and Services for Men

The Guide for Promoting Sexual and Reproductive Health Products and Services for Men focuses on meaningfully engaging men and creating an enabling environment to increase men’s use of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) products and services. Drawing on lessons learned from the promotion of male condoms, vasectomy, voluntary medical male circumcision, HIV testing services and sexually transmitted infection testing and treatment, the guide provid…