
273 search results for:


The Role of Health Systems and Policy in Producing Behavior and Social Change to Enhance Child Survival and Development in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: An Examination of the Evidence

This review provides conclusions and recommendations on the studies of evidence-based behavior change interventions that addressed health systems or policy. The author’s recommendations are offered around each topic area (pneumonia/diarrhea, neonatal survival, nutrition, PMTCT, malaria, healthy pregnancies, and immunizations) that is classified by the World Health Organization Health System Building Blocks of health system delivery, health workfo…


Participatory Communication Strategy

HC3 worked in close collaboration with the USAID mission in Guatemala and 12 USAID-funded health and development partners active in the Western Highlands to develop the “Juntos Prosperamos” (“Together We Prosper”) brand and a social and behavior change communication (SBCC) strategy. The strategy unifies activities across the areas important during the “First 1,000 Days” (from the beginning of a pregnancy through the end of a child’s first year) –…


Supporting Breastfeeding Interventions for Faith-Based Organizations Implementation Kit

The Supporting Breastfeeding Interventions for Faith-Based Organizations Implementation Kit (I-Kit) provides SBCC practitioners with straightforward guidance and interactive tools to assist in developing breastfeeding SBCC programs. While this I-Kit was designed with FBOs in mind, any type of organization seeking to improve breastfeeding practices can use it. Supporting Breastfeeding Interventions for Faith-Based Organizations I-Kit (PDF) Web-bas…


When the Evidence Is Not Enough: Hormonal Contraception and HIV Webinar

Uncertainty remains around hormonal contraception and its link to HIV acquisition. Given WHO’s recommendation that women should receive correct and full information to enable an informed choice regarding their method of contraception, the Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) developed the Strategic Communication Framework for Hormonal Contraceptive Methods and Potential HIV-Related Risks. This strategic framework was designed to assi…


Webinar on Healthy Timing and Spacing of Pregnancy’s Forgotten Audiences: Addressing Advanced Maternal Age and High Parity Pregnancies

This May 25, 2016 webinar highlighted the importance of addressing and preventing the risks of pregnancies among women of advanced maternal age (AMA) and high parity (HP). Presenters discussed findings from HC3’s qualitative research in Niger and Togo, perspectives and experiences from the field for the need to address this issue to save women’s lives, and social and behavior change communication tools for programs managers to engage their commun…


Factors Impacting the Effectiveness of Health Care Worker Behavior Change: A Literature Review

Social and behavior change communication (SBCC), which uses communication to positively influence the social dimensions of health and well-being, is an important strategy for improving health services at the provider level. With much of the responsibility for providing health care services falling on a cadre of professional health care workers (HCWs), particularly those in lower level facilities, there is an increasing focus on to how to use SBCC…


Swazi Girls4Health: Communicating About HIV Risk Reduction Strategies with Adolescent Girls and Young Women

The goal of Swaziland’s extended National Multisectoral Strategic Framework for HIV and AIDS (eNSF, 2014–2018) is to halt the spread of HIV and reverse its impact on Swazi society. The first priority, in pursuit of that goal, is to prevent new HIV infections and reduce mortality among people living with HIV (PLHIV). Political and community leaders in Swaziland, in concert with service providers and the support of development partners, are working…


Swazi Women4Health: Communicating About HIV Risk Reduction Strategies with Women Aged 25 to 39

The goal of Swaziland’s extended National Multisectoral Strategic Framework for HIV and AIDS (eNSF, 2014–2018) is to halt the spread of HIV and reverse its impact on Swazi society. The first priority, in pursuit of that goal, is to prevent new HIV infections and reduce mortality among people living with HIV (PLHIV). Political and community leaders in Swaziland, in concert with service providers and the support of development partners, are working…


Swazi Men4Health: Communicating About HIV Risk Reduction Strategies with Men

The goal of Swaziland’s extended National Multisectoral Strategic Framework for HIV and AIDS (eNSF, 2014–2018) is to halt the spread of HIV and reverse its impact on Swazi society. The first priority, in pursuit of that goal, is to prevent new HIV infections and reduce mortality among people living with HIV (PLHIV). Political and community leaders in Swaziland, in concert with service providers and the support of development partners, are working…


Community Perspectives about Ebola in Bong, Lofa and Montserrado Counties of Liberia: Results of a Qualitative Study

This study aimed to assess differences in community perceptions about, and in response to, Ebola in three counties: Lofa, Bong and Monteserrado. The assessment sought to obtain answers to the following research questions: What are the attitudes, community norms and practices that are related to Ebola? How do these attitudes, norms and practices vary within and across study counties? How have these attitudes, norms and practices changed over time?…


Qualitative Assessment on Health System Trust and Health Service Utilization in Liberia

This study explored the following objectives: Explore client perceptions of health care providers and client perspectives, including any Ebola-related stigma that may influence health-seeking behaviors; Explore facility and community-based health care providers’ perceptions of service provision including fear, self-confidence, training/supervision, and trust in the health system. Qualitative Assessment on Health System Trust and Health Service Ut…