STEP 3: Your SBCC Check-In overall score and detailed results are being sent to the email provided. Once you receive the email, open it and use the table below to interpret your overall score. Keep the email open to complete the next step.


Less than 60%

Address the major concerns before continuing.


Between 60 and 80%

Setting aside time to improve weak areas can improve progress.


Greater than 80%

The program is positioned to achieve substantial results.


STEP 4: Review your detailed SBCC Check-In results and complete the Improvement Action Plan below to summarize identified areas of strength, identify areas of weakness, set goals based on areas of weakness, decide on a list of actions for improvement and set another Check-In date. You will have the option to complete Quality Improvement Action Plans for other sections as well.

See the list of SBCC Improvement Resources for guides and examples

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • The Quality Improvement Action Plan will be emailed to this address.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    Set another Check-In date to determine the effectiveness of this Quality Improvement Action Plan.