
273 search results for:


Webinar: Strengthening Measurement and Evaluation for Malaria Social and Behavior Change Communication

Presentations and resources from the November 12, 2014 webinar. Presenters: Jessica Butts, MPH, MSW, Health Scientist, Malaria Branch of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), working under the President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) Presentation: Strengthening M&E for Malaria Social and Behavior Change Communication RBM CCoP – M&E Task Force Emily Ricotta, ScM, Senior Research Assistant at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public…


Webinar: Women and Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision

Presentations and recording of the Nov. 19, 2014, webinar: VIEW: Webinar Recording | Webinar Chat Stephanie Davis, MD, MPH is a medical officer on the CDC HIV Prevention Branch’s Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision Team. Dr. Davis’s areas of focus include guidance development for adverse events and wound healing classification, VMMC service delivery quality assurance, combination HIV prevention, and early infant male circumcision. She previously …


Living the GoodLife in Ghana

The Ghana Behavior Change Support (BCS) project was a five-year, USAID-funded project managed by the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (CCP) in partnership with the Ministry of Health and the Ghana Health Service (GHS). The overall purpose of the project was to assist the GHS at the national, regional and district levels to support its efforts to achieve health-related millennium development goals through sustained and coherent soci…


University Initiative Webinar – Models of University Engagement with Practice

University Initiative Webinar “Models of University Engagement with Practice” was held on November 25, 2014. It focused on how universities can strengthen their links to the community by working with faculty to incorporate service learning activities into their coursework, facilitating mentoring for university students placed in health communication/health education projects and organizing student internship programs with government health agenci…


Innovation Webinar 7: Social Media Analysis and Health Communication

The seventh Health Communication Innovation webinar, Social Media Analysis and Health Communication was held December 9, 2014. Presentations and examples gave the audience insight into utilizing and evaluating social media components of health communication campaigns. Listen to a recording of the webinar. Presentations Anahi Ayala Iacucci, Senior Innovation Advisor for the Internews Center for Innovation & Learning [Presentation] Social media in …


The Role of Faith-Based Communities in Social and Behavior Change Communication Programs for Child Survival

© 2005 Virginia Lamprecht, Courtesy of Photoshare This webinar, presented on January 15, 2015, provided insight into how to incorporate faith leaders, religious texts and other faith-based activities into social and behavior change communication (SBCC) programming to encourage healthier behaviors and systemic changes that lead to improved child survival outcomes. A new Social and Behavior Communication Change (SBCC) Implementation Kit (I-Kit) to …


Utilizing ICT in Demand Generation for Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn and Child Health

This resource provides an in-depth look at three programs that illustrate the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and new media – specifically using mobile technologies – as part of an integrated strategy to increase demand for and use of reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health (RMNCH) commodities and services. The three case studies are: Mobile Alliance for Maternal Action (MAMA), which uses technology to improve he…


Conducting a National Assessment on Demand Generation for Underutilized, Life-Saving Commodities: Guidance and Tools

This tool provides guidance to country-based partners on how to conduct an in-depth examination of the demand generation landscape related to country-identified priority commodities for reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health (RMNCH). It is the first step in laying the foundations to build strong demand generation programs or strategies. The tool provides guidance for reviewing existing national evidence on demand generation for priorit…


Demand Generation for 13 Life-Saving Commodities: A Synthesis of the Evidence

This report reviews, assesses and synthesizes the current evidence of social and behavioral drivers of demand generation for the 13 commodities, as well as effective practices in implementing demand generation programs. This review aims to provide a foundation for future evidence-based demand generation programming and activities, with a focus on helping others to better understand the facilitating factors and barriers to utilization and generati…


Addressing the Role of Gender in the Demand for RMNCH Commodities: A Programming Guide

This guide is a resource for increasing demand for the 13 reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health (RMNCH) commodities identified as underutilized by the UN Commission on Life-Saving Commodities (UNCoLSC) for Women’s and Children’s Health. This guide provides information and practical tools to help program managers determine how gender norms and roles may limit demand for these commodities, and how to address these norms and roles to ult…


A Theory-Based Framework for Media Selection in Demand Generation Programs

This guide is a resource to help increase the demand for the 13 reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health (RMNCH) commodities identified as underutilized by the UN Commission on Life-Saving Commodities (UNCoLSC) for Women’s and Children’s Health. The guide provides step-by-step information and practical tools to guide media selection (i.e., communication channels) for demand generation activities using a theory-based approach. The guide ha…