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Influence of Different Sources of Exposure to Family Planning Campaigns, Results from a Survey of Men and Women in Tanzania

The Health Communication Capacity Collaborative conducted a cross‐sectional study of the cumulative effect of seven family planning campaigns in mainland Tanzania that used social and behavioral change communication to promote use of modern contraceptives, communication with a provider about family planning, and communication with spouse or partner about family planning.
Findings from a Qualitative Study about Influences on Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health in Rural Areas of Madagascar

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Mission in Madagascar commissioned the Health Communication Capacity Collaborative to conduct a sexual and reproductive health/family planning study of young adolescents (ages 10 to 19) in the rural areas of four diverse regions
Outcome Harvesting Evaluation of Social and Behavior Change Communication Capacity Strengthening Activities in Bangladesh

In August 2016, a CCP evaluation team worked with Bangladesh Knowledge Management Initiative II staff to apply a qualitative evaluation methodology, Outcome Harvesting, to measure the effect of capacity strengthening efforts on the MOHFW, SBCC stakeholders and communities of practice..
Outcome Harvesting Evaluation of Social and Behavior Change Communication Capacity Strengthening Activities in Liberia

In January 2017, a CCP evaluation team worked with HC3 Liberia staff to apply a qualitative evaluation methodology, Outcome Harvesting, to measure the influence of HC3 Liberia’s capacity strengthening efforts on the behaviors of the MOH and key SBCC partners in Liberia.
Outcome Harvesting Evaluation of Social and Behavior Change Communication Capacity Strengthening Activities in Ethiopia

In June 2016, HC3 Ethiopia applied a qualitative evaluation methodology, Outcome!Harvesting, to measure HC3 Ethiopia’s effect on the behaviors of SBCC professionals and organizations in Ethiopia.
Social and behavior change considerations for areas transitioning from high and moderate to low, very low and zero malaria transmission

A 37% reduction in malaria cases and 60% reduction in mortality due to malaria in the past 15 years have saved an estimated 6.2 million lives and increased the life […]
Urban Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Social and Behavior Change Implementation Kit Supplement

In 2015 and 2016, HC3 worked with five Pilot Partner (PP) organizations throughout Benin, Madagascar and Kenya to pilot the I-Kit and see how each organization applied the Urban Adolescent SRH SBCC I-Kit to its work. This I-Kit Supplement captures those organizations’ experiences and recommendations.
HC3 in Action: Engaging Men and Adolescent Boys

This brief describes key examples from across the Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) project that can help inform future efforts to engage men and boys in achieving and maintaining an AIDS-free generation, increasing demand for family planning, ending preventable child and maternal deaths, and realizing a malaria-free world.
Qualitative Research for Zika Virus Disease Prevention in Guatemala, Central America

In July 2017, the Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) conducted a qualitative exploration of the perception of the effectiveness, feasibility and self-efficacy of Zika prevention actions among pregnant women, men with a pregnant partner and women likely to become pregnant in Guatemala.
The Facilitator Guide: Brothers for Life Plus Community Groups

In 2013, BFL was adapted for use in Côte d’Ivoire and implemented by Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (CCP). This manual is the third adaptation of the BFL program and is referred to throughout this guide as BFL Plus (BFL+).
Sawa Sawa Positive Prevention

Sawa Sawa Positive Prevention is an educational tool to promote living a healthy life with HIV and providing support to men who have been diagnosed HIV positive. Sawa Sawa Positive Prevention
Sawa Sawa: A Community Dialogue Manual to Reduce Stigma

The goal of this manual is to reduce community level stigma and in doing so improve HIV testing, treatment initiation and adherence outcomes among men in particular.
HC3 in Action: Enhancing Family Planning Service Delivery through SBC

This brief describes key examples, challenges and insights from family planning service delivery initiatives across the HC3 project.
HC3 in Action: Strengthening the SBCC System

This technical brief describes the components of an effective Social and Behavior Change Communication system and then provides spotlights on HC3’s work in five countries to illustrate these components in action.
Guide to Designing Sexual and Reproductive Health Programs for Youth in Egypt

This guide is derived from the Urban Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive HealthSocial and Behavior Change Communication Implementation Kit, adapted to the Egyptian context for youth ages 15-24, for youth living in […]
Social and Behavior Change Communication and Reproductive Empowerment Mapping: Brief on Key Findings

The Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) conducted a literature scan to explore the strengths and gaps of social and behavior change communication (SBCC) in reproductive health interventions for reproductive empowerment (RE).
Family Planning Evidence Review Infographics

This series of infographics accompanies the Family Planning Evidence Database, a unique resource that compiles and highlights key SBC successes in FP method uptake.
Integrated SBCC Programs: Key Challenges and Promising Strategies

The Integrated SBCC Programs: Key Challenges and Promising Strategies webinar held on September 25, 2017 provided an overview of key considerations when designing, implementing and evaluating integrated social and behavior […]
HC3 in Action: Supporting Youth Health with SBCC

This brief, part of the “HC3 in Action” series, describes key examples, challenges and insights from initiatives across the HC3 project that improve sexual and reproductive health outcomes for youth and adolescents.
A Study in User-Centered Communication and Family Planning Decision-Making in Nepal

These case studies from Nepal detail conversations that took place between young couples and HC3 health workers on their reflections on campaign-related media. These case studies demonstrate the complex process […]