HC3 in Action: Engaging Men and Adolescent Boys
This brief describes key examples from across the Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) project that can help inform future efforts to engage men and boys in achieving and maintaining an AIDS-free generation, increasing demand for family planning, ending preventable child and maternal deaths, and realizing a malaria-free world.

Guide de Promotion des Produits et Services de Santé Sexuelle et Reproductive pour les Hommes
Le Guide de promotion des produits et services de santé sexuelle…

Webinar: Men as More than Partners: Increasing Men’s Use of Sexual and Reproductive Health Products and Services through SBCC
This June 21, 2017 webinar featured presentations on social and behavior change communication (SBCC) interventions designed to successfully increase men's demand for and use of sexual and reproductive health products and services.

Guide for Promoting Sexual and Reproductive Health Products and Services for Men
The Guide for Promoting Sexual and Reproductive Health Products and Services for Men focuses on meaningfully engaging men and creating an enabling environment to increase men’s use of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) products and services.

Gender Dynamics and Modern Contraceptive Use Infographic
To better examine the associations between communication campaigns, gender dynamics and contraceptive use, Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) researchers identified three campaign datasets that included variables needed to generate a more robust and conclusive analysis.

Gender Equity and Family Planning Outcomes Infographic
HC3 has developed an infographic to visually demonstrate the…

Young Women's Savings and Empowerment Clubs: A Guide for Mentors
The Young Women Empowerment programme focuses on reducing the vulnerability of young women (20-24) to HIV and gender based violence (GBV) through community-based HIV prevention, using a combination of socio-economic approaches. This tool is focusing on economic empowerment, conducting financial education training and helping to start savings and loans self-help clubs for young women.

Engaging Community Leaders: A Tool For Facilitating Dialogue
This tool is aimed at engaging community leaders to reduce vulnerabilities and increase the safety of adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) in Swaziland's HIV response. It was developed to assist community leaders in creating a protective environment to reduce the vulnerability of AGYW and advocate for modification of harmful cultural norms and practices that place AGYW at risk of HIV infection.

Gender and Social and Behavior Change Communication Implementation Kit
The Gender and Social and Behavior Change Communication Implementation Kit (I-Kit) provides a step-by-step approach to integrate gender into an existing SBCC strategy or marketing plan.

Swazi Men4Health: Communicating About HIV Risk Reduction Strategies with Men
This guide was developed to supplement Swaziland's extended National Multisectoral Strategic Framework for HIV and AIDS (eNSF) and address its inadequate targeting of interventions and services and lack of intensity for reaching those most vulnerable—in this case, men aged 25 to 39.

Swazi Women4Health: Communicating About HIV Risk Reduction Strategies with Women Aged 25 to 39
This guide was developed to supplement Swaziland's extended National Multisectoral Strategic Framework for HIV and AIDS (eNSF) and address its inadequate targeting of interventions and services and a lack of intensity for reaching those most vulnerable—in this case, women aged 25 to 39.