Designing a Social and Behavior Change Communication Strategy Implementation Kit
The Designing a Social and Behavior Change Communication Strategy Implementation Kit (I-Kit) provides guidance on how to develop a communication strategy for social and behavior change communication (SBCC).

The Demand Generation Implementation Kit
The Demand Generation Implementation Kit (I-Kit) is a step-by-step guide to developing communication strategies to increase demand for nine priority commodities, and provides cross-cutting tools, guidance and adaptable commodity-specific content.

Resource Mobilization Implementation Kit
The Resource Mobilization Implementation Kit (I-Kit) will take you through each step of the resource mobilization process, from the fundamental elements of a strategic plan, as the source of new business opportunities, to the detailed phases of drafting a proposal for a donor, writing a business plan and preparing some smaller business development documents, such as a business opportunity brief.

Gender and Social and Behavior Change Communication Implementation Kit
The Gender and Social and Behavior Change Communication Implementation Kit (I-Kit) provides a step-by-step approach to integrate gender into an existing SBCC strategy or marketing plan.

Healthy Timing and Spacing of Pregnancies Implementation Kit
The HTSP I-Kit is designed to help program managers address the risks of pregnancies among women aged 35 and older (of advanced maternal age, or AMA) and women having five or more births (high-parity, or HP) in their family planning or maternal and child health programs.

Urban Adolescent Social and Behavior Change Communication Implementation Kit
The Urban Adolescent Social and Behavior Change Communication Implementation Kit (I-Kit) provides a selection of Essential Elements and tools to guide the creation, or strengthening, of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) social and behavior change communication (SBCC) programs for urban adolescents aged 10 to 19.

Ebola Communication Preparedness Implementation Kit
The I-Kit guides countries in social and behavior change communication (SBCC) and risk communication activity planning, including communication plan development for every stage of an Ebola response.

Supporting Breastfeeding Interventions for Faith-Based Organizations Implementation Kit
The Supporting Breastfeeding Interventions for Faith-Based Organizations Implementation Kit (I-Kit) provides SBCC practitioners with straightforward guidance and interactive tools to assist in developing breastfeeding SBCC programs.