Health COMpass Spotlights PASMO's Work Promoting Guatemala's Family Planning Law

An important national law introduced in Guatemala in 2005, Ley…

Documenting SBCC's Important Role in Malaria Case Management: Part II

In August 2014, the Health Communication Capacity Collaborative…

2face Idibia Sings "Malaria-free is a Possibility" in Nigeria

Play Your Part is the national malaria theme song of Nigeria’s Malaria Elimination Program (NMEP), sung by the Nigerian superstar musician 2face Idibia.

Well-known Mother-in-Law Helps Answer Nepal Earthquake Victims’ Urgent Questions on Air

Before two earthquakes destroyed thousands of homes and communities…

Guatemala Nutrition Message Analysis Can Help Harmonize Supporting Messages

In an effort to support the integration and streamlining of SBCC activities in the Western Highlands, HC3 conducted a consistency analysis of key messages used in the region.

Webinar Recap: Innovative Health Communication Apps

HC3’s ninth Innovation Webinar on June 9 provided attendees…