Unpacking the Black Box: What Does Applied Behavioral Economics Actually Look Like?
There is a growing demand for behavioral economics approaches to social challenges, but what does this actually mean in practice?
Dana Guichon is Vice President at ideas42, currently managing behavioral interventions in the fields of international development and education. Prior to joining ideas42, Dana held posts at the International Rice Research Institute, the Food and Agriculture Organization, and Oxfam America. She also served as an environmental education Peace Corps Volunteer in Senegal. Dana holds an MSc in Nutrition and an MA in International Relations from Tufts University, as well as a BA in Government from Georgetown University.
There is a growing demand for behavioral economics approaches to social challenges, but what does this actually mean in practice?
Behavior change is often the lynchpin of successful public health services and programming. Overcoming structural and political barriers is often not enough to achieve beneficial public health outcomes. Many consider […]