Compound Meeting Flip Chart: Childbirth Spacing is Good for Everyone
This flip chart is intended to be used by community mobilizers in Nigeria making visits to compounds in order to discuss family planning and birth spacing options for women, describing how they, their families and communities at large benefit from birth spacing. English and Hausa are included side-by-side.

Community Dialogue Flip Chart: Childbirth Spacing is Good for Everyone
This flip chart, which includes English and Hausa side-by-side,…

Gender Dynamics and Modern Contraceptive Use Infographic
To better examine the associations between communication campaigns, gender dynamics and contraceptive use, Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) researchers identified three campaign datasets that included variables needed to generate a more robust and conclusive analysis.

SBCC Capacity Strengthening in Action: HC3 Strengthens the Social and Behavior Change Communication Capacity of the Nigerian National Malaria Elimination Programme
This case study highlights HC3’s efforts in Nigeria, starting…