Barriers to LARC Uptake Among Youth
Barriers to long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) uptake among youth; highlights from the research.

Urban Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health Evidence Infographic
This infographic helps make the case for the use of social…

Healthy Timing and Spacing of Pregnancy Evidence Review and DHS Secondary Analysis
This report provides an evidence review and DHS secondary analysis on women of advanced maternal age and high parity pregnancies.

Engaging Families for Healthy Pregnancies (French)
Promouvoir la Participation des Familles pour des Grossesses…

Health Communication Impact on Condom Use
Condom use can be promoted through various ways within a health communication context, including mass media, entertainment-education, interpersonal communication and school-based interventions. This brief highlights key studies demonstrating the impact of health communication on condom use in low- and middle-income countries.

Spotlight on the Emergency Contraceptive Pill
This fact sheet is part of a series on Demand Generation for 13 Life-Saving Commodities: A Synthesis of the Evidence. The emergency contraceptive pill (ECP) offers women a last chance at preventing an unplanned pregnancy after sexual assault, contraceptive failure or other instances of unprotected intercourse. However, ECPs remain an underutilized commodity in family planning.

Spotlight on Contraceptive Implants
This fact sheet is part of a series on Demand Generation for 13 Life-Saving Commodities: A Synthesis of the Evidence. Contraceptive implants are safe, highly effective and long-acting progestin-only contraceptives that require little attention after insertion and prevent pregnancy for an extended period.

Spotlight on the Female Condom
This fact sheet is part of a series on Demand Generation for…

Urban Youth Literature Review: Executive Summary
Influencing the Sexual and Reproductive Health of Urban Youth…

Engaging Families for Healthy Pregnancies
This report is a focused desk review of the Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviors related to pregnancies in three high-risk situations: Advanced maternal age, high parity, and rapid repeat pregnancies after abortion or miscarriage.

What Works for Urban Youth – English Webinar
November 6, 2013
What Works for Urban Youth – English Webinar…