HC3 in Action: Engaging Men and Adolescent Boys
This brief describes key examples from across the Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) project that can help inform future efforts to engage men and boys in achieving and maintaining an AIDS-free generation, increasing demand for family planning, ending preventable child and maternal deaths, and realizing a malaria-free world.

HC3 in Action: Enhancing Family Planning Service Delivery through SBC
This brief describes key examples, challenges and insights from family planning service delivery initiatives across the HC3 project.

HC3 in Action: Strengthening the SBCC System
This technical brief describes the components of an effective Social and Behavior Change Communication system and then provides spotlights on HC3’s work in five countries to illustrate these components in action.

Social and Behavior Change Communication and Reproductive Empowerment Mapping: Brief on Key Findings
The Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) conducted a literature scan to explore the strengths and gaps of social and behavior change communication (SBCC) in reproductive health interventions for reproductive empowerment (RE).

HC3 in Action: Supporting Youth Health with SBCC
This brief, part of the “HC3 in Action” series, describes key examples, challenges and insights from initiatives across the HC3 project that improve sexual and reproductive health outcomes for youth and adolescents.

Malaria SBCC Evidence Factsheets on ITN Behaviors, Case Management and Service Providers
This collection of factsheets synthesizes the key findings from…

Les Synthèses de l'étude : Planification et espacement idéal des grossesses pour la santé (PEIGS)
En 2015, le Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3,…

HC3 in Action: SBCC in Public Health Emergencies
This brief, part of the "HC3 in Action" series, describes key examples, challenges and insights from across the project that informed the development of the Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) Emergency Helix, a programmatic framework for integrating SBCC throughout a public health emergency.

Service Delivery Continuum: SBC Tools and Resources
To improve service-related health outcomes, clients must access…

Healthy Timing and Spacing of Pregnancy Research Briefs: Advanced Maternal Age and High-Parity Pregnancy in Togo and Niger
In 2015, HC3 conducted research to better understand the knowledge, attitudes, practices and socio-cultural factors in Togo and Niger that lead women to continue having children later in life and after they have already had many births. Focusing solely on women age 35 and older and women having five or more births, the research ultimately informed the HC3 Healthy Timing and Spacing of Pregnancy (HTSP) Advanced Maternal Age and High-Parity Pregnancy Implementation Kit.

HC3 Capacity Strengthening Fact Sheet
This fact sheet outlines HC3's capacity building activities.