Faces from the Field: Liberia Staff Shift Focus to Ebola
Teah Doegmah and Marietta Yekee, Program Officers…

mHealth Summit Offers Opportunity to Reflect on Online Communities
I had the privilege of attending the sixth annual mHealth Summit…

Evaluating Social Media Components of Health Communication Campaigns
HC3’s held its seventh Health Communication Innovation Webinar…

Ebola is Real: Using Theory to Develop Messaging in a Health Crisis
Question: What is the difference between these two messages?

SBCC Student Field Experience Focuses on Community-level Development
As seen in the HC3 University assessment report, university faculty…

Geographic Information Systems and SBCC Research on Health COMpass
Geographic Information Systems (GIS), a form of research that…

Living the GoodLife in Ghana
The Ghana Behavior Change Support project ran from 2009 - 2014.…

New I-Kit Launches in Support of Every Woman Every Child Movement
In celebration of Universal Children’s Day on Thursday, November…

Nov. 25 Webinar to Consider an SBCC Student’s Practicum Experience
The Health Communication Capacity Collaborative will hold a webinar…

Rebuilding Trust in a Place “Worse than War”
As soon as I arrived in Monrovia – actually before I even…

HC3's Newest I-Kit Addresses Breastfeeding and Faith-Based Groups
The Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) has created…