Celebrating the Seeds of Change in Guatemala
Juntos Prosperamos. Nos atrevemos. Avanzamos (Together we…

HC3 Nigeria's Chizoba Onyechi Named as 120 Under 40 Family Planning Champion
Chizoba Onyechi, communications advisor in Abuja for the Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) in Nigeria has been named one of the 120 Under 40 family planning champions for 2017.

HC3 Côte d’Ivoire and Partners Celebrate their Successes
From 2013 to 2017, HC3 Côte d’Ivoire provided technical assistance to strengthen the government’s capacity to promote healthy behavior change across the HIV/AIDS continuum.

Entering the Conversation of Young Couples Talking About Life Goals
These video portraits offer a glimpse into the lives of real people, and a chance to hear in their own words what they dream for their families.

Aspirational Stories of 11 Men and Women Who Dared to Change their Behavior
Guatemala’s participatory communication strategy to reduce chronic malnutrition in the Western highlands now includes a video series, titled Seeds of Change.

A Unique Angle in Addressing the Gap between Healthcare Workers and Clients
HC3’s campaigns within the Healthy Life brand emphasized trust, partnership, and compassion for healthcare workers which in turn has resulted in stronger links between the community and health facility, more compassion for healthcare workers, and a shrinking gap between service providers and the communities they serve.

Making Smart Choices Easy: Incorporating Behavioral Economics into a National Campaign in Nepal
HC3 designed approaches that used behavioral economics concepts and seamlessly incorporated them into a national SBCC campaign to promote HTSP and the use of long-acting contraceptive methods in Nepal.

Family Planning Campaign Activities To Continue in Nepal
HC3, as part of Nepal’s wider community of social and behavior change communication (SBCC) partner practitioners, has been committed to supporting the family planning communication strategy and policy guidelines of the Government of Nepal.

Nepal’s Smart Jeewan Campaign Wins Prestigious Rural Marketing Association of India Award
Nepal’s “Parivar Niyojan, Smart Bancha Jeewan” (Family Planning Makes a Smart Life) campaign has won the prestigious Flame Award, recognizing it as the best Social Development and Corporate Social Responsibility campaign of 2017 in the Emerging Markets/South Asia category in the competition.

Community-Centered Approach Builds Awareness, Uptake of Services and Ownership in Sierra Leone
HC3's work helped build trust in the health system, build community ownership of health facilities and rebuild facilities to increase RMNCH uptake.

Working within Traditional Leadership Structures; Discussion April 25-27 on Springboard for Health Communication
Join HC3 April 25-27, 2017 for a discussion on Springboard to talk about some of the work that HC3 has done with traditional leaders in Swaziland. We welcome you to share your own experiences of working within traditional leadership structures.