Mobile App in Nepal Helps Adolescents Access Credible Information on Sexual and Reproductive Health
In Nepal, a first of its kind mobile app fulfills a desire for knowledge created by a shift in cultural norms related to youth sexual and reproductive health.

J’etais Sur le Point D’arreter D’utiliser le Preservatif
En effet, Super Go est programme financé par l’USAID et le PEPFAR à travers le projet HC3 et qui encourage les filles non encore sexuellement actives à retarder le plus longtemps possible leurs premiers rapports sexuels et suscite chez celles qui sont actives sexuellement le besoin d’utiliser systématiquement le préservatif à chaque rapport sexuel.

I Was About to Stop Using Condoms
Super Go is a program financed by USAID and PEPFAR through the Health Communication Capacity Collaborative that, through workshops four meetings long, encourages young girls who are not yet sexually active to delay their sexual debut as long as possible and tries to motivate those who are sexually active to use condoms consistently with each sexual encounter.

When Boyfriends are Brought into the HIV Conversation
The presence of the boys, far from putting a damper on participation as was feared, brought a special atmosphere to the meeting and sparked a lively interest among all the participants.

Participation des petits amis des participantes de Super Go à la 4ème Session
Super GO est un programme de communication pour le changement de comportement mis en œuvre par le centre des programmes de communication Johns Hopkins depuis 2009. Financé par l’USAID/PEPFAR, il est mis en œuvre depuis 2014 sur le projet HC3.

Using Entertainment-Education to Reduce Chronic Malnutrition in Guatemala
The communication campaign for the reduction of chronic malnutrition Juntos Prosperamos. Nos atrevemos. Avanzamos. (Together we prosper. We dare. We move forward.) was launched on February 26, in the Central Park of the Municipality of Nebaj, Quiche, Guatemala with the first broadcast of the radio program La Chispa del Cambio (The Spark of Change).

Sierra Leone Radio Program Makes Connection between Peace of Mind and Taking Care of Health
For the past few months in Sierra Leone, this greeting…

New Multimedia-Rich Resource Details HC3's Work to Mitigate HIV Epidemic in Swaziland
A newly released multimedia resource highlights three activities HC3 Swaziland has lead to help mitigate the effects of HIV in Swaziland.

Innovation in Social and Behavior Change Communication Research: Empowering Indigenous Guatemalan Women
In support of the USAID’s Western Highlands Integrated Program (WHIP), HC3 designed a Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) strategy to change existing norms and key behaviors related to chronic malnutrition.

Guatemala SBCC Strategy for First 1,000 Days Targets Influencers Beyond Young Mothers
The strategy aims to transform social norms and create a support network for the young family leading to behavior change and better health outcomes.

Smart Jeewan Family Planning Messages Reach over 30,000 at Nepalese Fair
The Smart Jeewan Mela (Smart Life Fair) held on February 2 in Tulsipur Dang drew a crowd of over 30,000 attendees for performances around the theme of family planning for making a smart life.