Health COMpass Spotlights PASMO's Work Promoting Guatemala's Family Planning Law
An important national law introduced in Guatemala in 2005, Ley…

SMS Contraception Messages Reach Thousands of Mozambican Youth
With more than 45 percent of people under the age of 15, Mozambique…

Health COMpass Publishes Five New SBCC How-To Guides
The Health Communication Capacity Collaborative's Health COMpass…

New Trending Topic in Health COMpass: Using Household Surveys to Inform Malaria SBCC
Malaria is an entirely preventable and treatable disease. Yet,…

Improving Babies’ Health via Exclusive Breastfeeding: Alive & Thrive’s Talking Babies Campaign in Vietnam
In Vietnam a 2009 study revealed that only 20% of mothers practiced…

Tackling a Childbirth Injury with a Devastating Aftermath: Obstetric Fistula
In its newest Trending Topic the Health COMpass presents a selection…

Health Communication and the HIV Continuum of Care
Health communication plays an important role in promoting HIV…

SBCC Essential When Combating Avian Flu Outbreaks
Avian influenza, also known as bird flu or avian flu, remains…

Health COMpass Spotlight: Inside the Development of an Award-winning Entertainment Education Series
The latest Health COMpass Spotlight offers a step by step look…

Geographic Information Systems and SBCC Research on Health COMpass
Geographic Information Systems (GIS), a form of research that…