HC3 in Action: Enhancing Family Planning Service Delivery through SBC
This brief describes key examples, challenges and insights from family planning service delivery initiatives across the HC3 project.

Les études de cas : Planification et espacement idéal des grossesses pour la santé au Niger et au Togo
En 2016, Marie Stopes International (MSI) et l’Association…

Les Synthèses de l'étude : Planification et espacement idéal des grossesses pour la santé (PEIGS)
En 2015, le Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3,…

Compound Meeting Flip Chart: Childbirth Spacing is Good for Everyone
This flip chart is intended to be used by community mobilizers in Nigeria making visits to compounds in order to discuss family planning and birth spacing options for women, describing how they, their families and communities at large benefit from birth spacing. English and Hausa are included side-by-side.

Community Dialogue Flip Chart: Childbirth Spacing is Good for Everyone
This flip chart, which includes English and Hausa side-by-side,…

Healthy Timing and Spacing of Pregnancy Case Studies: Using the HTSP Implementation Kit to Address Advanced Maternal Age and High-Parity Pregnancy in Togo and Niger
In 2016, Marie Stopes International (MSI) and the Association Togolaise pour le Bien-Être Familial (ATBEF) utilized the HC3 Healthy Timing and Spacing of Pregnancy (HTSP) Advanced Maternal Age and High-Parity Pregnancy Implementation Kit to address and prevent high-risk pregnancies in Togo and Niger. These case studies present the results from each of those pilot projects.

Healthy Timing and Spacing of Pregnancy Research Briefs: Advanced Maternal Age and High-Parity Pregnancy in Togo and Niger
In 2015, HC3 conducted research to better understand the knowledge, attitudes, practices and socio-cultural factors in Togo and Niger that lead women to continue having children later in life and after they have already had many births. Focusing solely on women age 35 and older and women having five or more births, the research ultimately informed the HC3 Healthy Timing and Spacing of Pregnancy (HTSP) Advanced Maternal Age and High-Parity Pregnancy Implementation Kit.

Recherche Qualitative Sur les Grossesses à un Âge Maternel Avancé et à Haute Parité en Afrique de l’Ouest
Les grossesses précoces, fréquentes et tardives constituent…

Qualitative Research on Advanced Maternal Age and High Parity Pregnancies in West Africa
This qualitative research report is focused on the knowledge, attitudes, behaviors and contributing factors around AMA and HP pregnancies, as well as barriers and facilitators to AMA and HP women’s modern family planning (FP) method use, in West Africa.

Webinaire : La planification et l’espacement idéal des grossesses pour la santé : les audiences oubliés
le 7 juillet 2016
Une présentation et discussion sur l’importance…

Healthy Timing and Spacing of Pregnancies Implementation Kit
The HTSP I-Kit is designed to help program managers address the risks of pregnancies among women aged 35 and older (of advanced maternal age, or AMA) and women having five or more births (high-parity, or HP) in their family planning or maternal and child health programs.