Urban Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health Evidence Infographic
This infographic helps make the case for the use of social…

Condom Repositioning for Adolescents- Expert Consultation
The Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) convened…

Déterminants Comportementaux de la Santé Sexuelle et Reproductive des Jeunes en Milieu Urbain
Analyse secondaire des données des enquêtes démographiques…

Influencer la Santé Sexuelle et Reproductive des Jeunes Urbains Grace à la Communication Pour le Changememt Social et Comportemental; Revue de la Documentation: Synthèse
Revue de la Documentation: Synthèse
This document summarizes…

Urban Youth Literature Review: Executive Summary
Influencing the Sexual and Reproductive Health of Urban Youth…

Behavioral Determinants of Urban Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health
This report provides a secondary analysis of DHS data for Benin…

Influencing the Sexual and Reproductive Health of Urban Youth through Social and Behavior Change Communication
Increasingly, the world's youth are growing up in, or moving…

What Works for Urban Youth – English Webinar
November 6, 2013
What Works for Urban Youth – English Webinar…

Innovation Webinar 4: Youth Campaigns
The following resources are from the March 11, 2014 Innovation…

What Works for Urban Youth – French Webinar
Le 5 novembre, 2013
What Works for Urban Youth – French Recording…