Family Planning Evidence Review Infographics
This series of infographics accompanies the Family Planning Evidence…

Malaria Evidence Review Infographics on ITN Behaviors, Case Management and Service Providers
This series of infographics accompanies a set of factsheets synthesizing…

The Circle of Care Model
The Circle of Care Model shows how service delivery and SBC can work together to improve health outcomes.

Gender Dynamics and Modern Contraceptive Use Infographic
To better examine the associations between communication campaigns, gender dynamics and contraceptive use, Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) researchers identified three campaign datasets that included variables needed to generate a more robust and conclusive analysis.

Gender Equity and Family Planning Outcomes Infographic
HC3 has developed an infographic to visually demonstrate the…

What is Social and Behavior Change Communication?
This infographic explains SBCC, as well as outlines the steps for implementing SBCC programs.

HIV Evidence Infographic - Condom Use
This infographic shows highlights of the evidence that health…

HIV Evidence Infographic - HIV Testing & Counseling
This infographic shows highlights of the evidence that health…

HIV Evidence Infographic - Continuum of Care
This infographic shows highlights of the evidence that health…

HIV Evidence Infographic - Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision
This infographic shows highlights of the evidence that health…

HIV Evidence Infographic - Other HIV Prevention Strategies
This infographic shows highlights of the evidence that health…