HIV Communication Capacity Strengthening: A Critical Review
This gray literature review examined varying definitions, measurements, implementations and effects of HIV communication capacity strengthening. Based on their review, the authors make recommendations for establishing a holistic model for HIV communication capacity strengthening, among other things.

HIV Communication Programs, Condom Use at Sexual Debut, and HIV Infections Averted in South Africa, 2005
This secondary statistical analysis examines survey data from South Africa in 2005 on condom use at sexual debut, normally occurring before HIV infection from unprotected sex, and how this might have contributed to the reduction of HIV infections in the early 2000s.

Strengthening Nonrandomized Studies of Health Communication Strategies for HIV Prevention
This article, focused on impact evaluations of health communication interventions for HIV prevention, was part of a special issue of JAIDS: Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes that was devoted to health communication and its role in and impact on HIV prevention and care.

Strategic Roles for Health Communication in Combination HIV Prevention and Care Programs
This is the introduction to a special issue of JAIDS: Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes that was devoted to health communication and its role in and impact on HIV prevention and care.

Recherche Qualitative Sur les Grossesses à un Âge Maternel Avancé et à Haute Parité en Afrique de l’Ouest
Les grossesses précoces, fréquentes et tardives constituent…

Correlates of Intra-Household ITN Use in Liberia: A Multilevel Analysis of Household Survey Data
Using household survey data collected between March and April…

HC3 Landscaping Summary Report on Zika Coordination and Communication in Four Countries: Honduras, El Salvador, Dominican Republic and Guatemala
In response to a United States Agency for International Development (USAID) request, the Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) – based at the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (CCP) – conducted a social and behavior change communication (SBCC) landscape for Zika in four Central American countries: Honduras, El Salvador, Dominican Republic and Guatemala.

Qualitative Research on Advanced Maternal Age and High Parity Pregnancies in West Africa
This qualitative research report is focused on the knowledge, attitudes, behaviors and contributing factors around AMA and HP pregnancies, as well as barriers and facilitators to AMA and HP women’s modern family planning (FP) method use, in West Africa.

Factors Impacting the Effectiveness of Health Care Worker Behavior Change: A Literature Review
To maximize the impact of SBCC activities among HCWs, program designers and implementers must first develop an awareness of the barriers and facilitators that effect HCWs in providing these services.

Qualitative Assessment on Health System Trust and Health Service Utilization in Liberia
This study explored the following objectives:
Explore client…

Assessment of Family Planning Use in Bauchi and Sokoto States, Nigeria
The focus of this report is to understand the family planning context in Northern Nigeria through a literature review.