The Springboard Community: Joining Together to Improve Health Communication
Learning is a social activity. By joining together and learning…
Springboard Launches in Zambia
Springboard Zambia launched on May 11, 2017, with approximately 40 people in attendance from 24 different organizations representing the government, donors and civil society.
Egypt's First Formal Springboard Learning Event Held in Cairo
More than 125 students, faculty and staff attended the Springboard for Health Communication event at Modern Sciences and Art University in Cairo, Egypt.
How Can We Influence Gender-Related Barriers to Vasectomy Uptake?
Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (CCP), EngenderHealth, Georgetown University Institute for Reproductive Health and Marie Stopes International to explore the gender-related barriers to uptake of vasectomy among men and couples.
HC3 Nepal Learning Forum on Networking
The Health Communication Capacity Collaborative Nepal held a Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) Networking and Interaction event on September 16.
Spotlight on the Asia Springboard Secretariat
The Bangladesh Center for Communication Programs (BCCP) will…
Spotlight on the Springboard Africa Region Secretariat
The Africa Capacity Alliance (ACA) will lead an online discussion outlining upcoming plans and events for the Africa Springboard Secretariat.
Communicating About Zika: Messaging for Pregnant Women and Women of Reproductive Age
What messaging works for protecting women of reproductive age…
Saving Lives At Birth: Join the Discussion on Sustainable Change Through Innovation
How can we create game-changing and sustainable social and behavior…
Lancement officiel de Springboard en Côte d’Ivoire
La présentation officielle de Springboard en Côte d’Ivoire s’est déroulée le jeudi 10 Septembre 2015 en présence de représentants du Programme National de Lutte contre le Sida (PNLS), de l’USAID, de partenaires nationaux et internationaux et des journalistes.
Springboard Launched in Côte d’Ivoire
Earlier this month in Côte d’Ivoire, Springboard for Health…