Guinea: Gold Star Campaign – Branding Quality Health Services
Case study outlining the national health services "Gold Star" quality campaign underway in Guinea following the Ebola crisis.

Guinea: Community Dialogues – Bringing Communities and Health Facilities Together
Case study outlining how HC3 used community dialogues to create and facilitate exchanges between community members and health providers to glean perceptions of health services and solicit suggestions for improvement following the Ebola crisis.

Guinea: Bridges of Hope – Getting Communities Engaged in Health Decisions
Case study outlining how HC3 used the Bridges of Hope toolkit in Guinea for community-level engagement to create demand for health services following the Ebola crisis.

Adapting the Demand Generation Implementation Kit: Development of an Android Mobile Application for Adolescents and Youth on Sexual and Reproductive Health in Nepal
Case study outlining the development of an android mobile application for adolescents and youth on sexual and reproductive health in Nepal.

SBCC Capacity Strengthening in Action: Distributed Social and Behavior Change Communication Capacity Enables Nepal’s Young Married Couples to Make Smart Family Planning Choices
This case study explains a national FP SBCC campaign that HC3 launched in partnership with Nepal's Ministry of Health/National Health Education Information Communication Center (NHEICC) and the MOH's Family Health Division. The campaign, "Parivar Niyojan Smart Bancha Jeewan"/"Family Planning Makes a Smart Life," started in August 2015 and was tailored specifically to reach young people, migrants and disadvantaged groups.

SBCC Capacity Strengthening in Action: HC3 Facilitates Transition of the National AIDS Resource Center to the Federal Ministry of Health in Ethiopia
This case study explores how national and regional services for…

SBCC Capacity Strengthening in Action: HC3 Strengthens the Social and Behavior Change Communication Capacity of the Nigerian National Malaria Elimination Programme
This case study highlights HC3’s efforts in Nigeria, starting…

SBCC Capacity Strengthening in Action: HC3 Uses Technology in Bangladesh to Build Field Worker Confidence and Social and Behavior Change Communication Skills
This case study examines the Bangladesh Knowledge Management…

Overcoming Seasonality in Scaling Up Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision: A Case Study from Tanzania
This case study examines the VMMC program launched in 2009 in…

Partnering with Private Providers in South Africa to Offer Medical Male Circumcision Services
The Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) published…

Utilizing ICT in Demand Generation for Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn and Child Health
This resource provides an in-depth look at three programs that…