On Thursday, March 30, 2017 at 9:00 am EDT, please log on to: https://connect.johnshopkins.edu/csevaloh/ and enter as “Guest.”
For many years, international development programs have sought to strengthen the capacity of organizations and institutions. Still, debate remains over how capacity strengthening should be measured or evaluated. In 2013, USAID named outcome harvesting as one of several innovative complexity-aware monitoring methods. The Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) used outcome harvesting to evaluate capacity strengthening programs for improved social and behavior change communication.
During this webinar on Thursday, March 30 at 9am EDT, experts will discuss the challenges of evaluating capacity strengthening, what makes the outcome harvesting methodology unique and how outcome harvesting addresses some challenges of capacity strengthening evaluation.
The webinar will be moderated by:
Jessica Pomerantz, MPA, Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist, Office of Learning Evaluation and Research, USAID
Panelists include:
Anne LaFond, MSc, Director of the Center for Health Information, Monitoring and Evaluation, John Snow, Inc.
Heather Britt, MA, Senior Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist, Expanding Monitoring and Evaluation Capacities (MECap) Task Order, Social Solutions International, Inc.
Grace Awantang, MA, MHS, Monitoring and Evaluation Advisor, Health Communication Capacity Collaborative