Bali, Indonesia
The five-day gathering (April 16-20, 2018) will be a week of inspiration, innovation and sharing to advance the global social and behavior change communication (SBCC) agenda for development. As outlined in the Sustainable Development Goals, the world still faces significant health and development challenges – extreme poverty, gender inequities, public health emergencies, acute and chronic diseases, climate change, good governance and many others. SBCC focused strategies are essential for positive progress on these and other issues. Attendees at the Summit will connect, share and showcase the best in SBCC and entertainment-education (EE), contribute to the global agenda setting for the field and leave with a deeper appreciation of the power of SBCC and EE and new skills to apply in their projects and home countries.
This event builds on previous international gatherings including the International Social and Behavior Change Communication Summit in Addis Ababa (2016), five Entertainment-Education conferences, the World Summit on Communication for Development (2006), the Social and Behaviour Change Evidence Summit (2014), the Rockefeller Foundation convened Social Change initiative (2000–2002) and other international events.
The week-long event will provide participants from a broad range of backgrounds the opportunity to engage with the growing global network; showcase their work in SBCC and EE; promote evidence-based SBCC tools and methodologies; disseminate evidence on the power of SBCC and participate in skills-building workshops. The first three days of the Summit will be devoted to the breadth and depth of SBCC broadly, while the last two days will be a deep dive into EE.
Who Should Participate?
The Summit is open to a wide range of participation from government, regional entities, academics, NGOs, CSOs, global agencies and the private sector working on development and health issues.
The SBCC2/EE6 will be hosted by a consortium of international and local partners including the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs, The Communication Initiative, Soul City and UNICEF, among others.