On Friday, September 22 at 9 AM ET login to: https://connect.johnshopkins.edu/future-of-malaria-sbcc/
Social and behavior change communication (SBCC) has been used to strengthen malaria efforts by positively influencing the adoption of effective behaviors, such as insecticide-treated net use, acceptance of indoor residual-spraying, uptake of intermittent preventive treatment of malaria for pregnant women, and increased prompt care-seeking among those with fever. As the malaria SBCC community looks forward, it is essential that we identify and implement best practices, monitor and evaluate malaria SBCC interventions to identify current needs and future trends, and use SBCC to effectively transition to malaria elimination.
The Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) has created a number of tools over the years to strengthen malaria professionals’ capacity in these areas to facilitate the design of more effective communication strategies and SBCC campaigns.
Please join HC3 on September 22, 2017 from 9 to 10 AM EDT for a webinar on three new tools for malaria SBCC:
- The Strategic Framework for Malaria SBCC: a guidance document for Roll Back Malaria Partnership (RBM) member states and partners to ensure that SBCC is prioritized in the agendas of malaria policy makers and national malaria control strategies, and is in line with the 2016-2030 Global Technical Strategy for Malaria.
- RBM Malaria SBCC Indicator Reference Guide: an updated tool that provides guidance, as well as a recommended and standardized list of indicators, to support Ministries of Health, donor agencies and implementing partners to rigorously evaluate the effectiveness of country-specific malaria SBCC interventions.
- Social and behavior change (SBC) considerations for areas transitioning from high and moderate transmission to areas of low, very low and zero malaria transmission: a guidance document that identifies key SBC considerations for effectively scaling up and maintaining coverage of interventions while transitioning from high and moderate to low, very low, and zero levels of malaria transmission.
Presenters include:
- Angela Acosta, Senior Program Officer, Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs
- Michael Toso, Malaria Program Officer, HC3