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Join the Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) on Tuesday, September 22 at 11am EDT for a webinar on gender transformative approaches and SBCC. This webinar is the tenth in HC3’s innovation webinar series, which highlights and examines cutting-edge applications of digital technology to advance global health.
Panelists include:
- Jane Brown, who has over 20 years in development communication and production, with an emphasis on gender, HIV and AIDS, adolescent reproductive health and malaria as well as program management. In her role as Senior Program Officer at the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (CCP), she was one of the principle innovators of the evaluated African Transformation toolkit and the Team Leader for the regional Go Girls! initiative.
- Dr. Lydia Clemmons, Senior Advisor, Social and Behavior Change Communications with The Manoff Group, who has over 30 years of experience in the design, management, implementation and evaluation of programs. She has worked in global, national and community-based projects addressing a range of technical focus areas. A medical anthropologist, Dr. Clemmons’ expertise includes applying formative research to help tailor SBCC programming to be sensitive to local cultures, gender roles and intra-household relationships.
- Haydée Lemus Argueta, who is a communication specialist at PSI PASMO/Guatemala, with experience in implementing strategic communication processes and project management. In her current position, she is responsible for the SBCC component of a family planning/sexual and reproductive health flagship program implemented in Guatemala.
- Jane Kato-Wallace, who is a senior program officer at Promundo. Her experience centers on program development, training and research related to engaging men and boys in gender equakity. She played a large role in the development and expansion of the Global MenCare Campaign, and currently trains international partners on implementing Program P, a gender-transformative, multi-pronged approach to engaging men as caregivers and other Promundo methodologies.