Please log on Wednesday, August 23 at 9 AM EDT and enter as a “Guest”: https://connect.johnshopkins.edu/make-your-voice-heard/
Storytelling is an incredibly powerful tool for social and behavior change. It inspires people to view a topic in a new way or motivate them to make a positive change in their lives. Traditionally, storytelling has been done through face-to-face conversations. However, increased access to mobile phones and social media has changed the way that people can share and hear stories, as well as expanded the number of people reached by one person’s story.
Please join the Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) on Wednesday, August 23 from 9:00 – 10:00 am EDT to hear about the experiences of young sexual and reproductive health (SRH) champions who have used storytelling to mobilize others around the topic. Speakers will give tips for making quality and engaging videos and positively interacting with viewers. HC3 will also launch its newly developed FP INFOcus Guide, which provides step-by-step guidance for producing and promoting mobile phone videos that give young people the information they need to make informed contraceptive choices. Representatives from HACEY Health Initiative, a Nigerian non-profit organization, will share their experiences working with HC3 to pilot the FP INFOcus Guide and approach.
Webinar speakers include:
- Daysha Veronica Edewi is a writer, director, producer and social media influencer who currently works for BuzzFeed as a Video Producer. At BuzzFeed, Daysha produces viral short-form video content, with a focus on sexual health, race and gender politics and body positivity. Her videos have been featured on the Huffington Post, Bustle and Refinery29, among other media outlets.
- Muluba Habanyama is a journalism student at the Sheridan College Institute of Technology and an HIV activist. She was born HIV-positive and lost both of her parents to the virus. Since disclosing her status on YouTube in December 2014, she has been featured in various Canadian publications, as well as the MTV Staying Alive Foundation. She has a passion for education, engaging and empowering youth and has served as the national ambassador for the Canadian Foundation for AIDS Research’s (CANFAR) Kisses for CANFAR project.
- Cori Fordham is a Program Officer with the Health Communication Capacity Collaborative, led by the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs, and has over five years’ experience in global health and social and behavior change. She supports the FP INFOcus project and co-authored the FP INFOcus Guide. Cori is passionate about using creative and innovative strategies to give key populations the tools they need to improve their health and wellbeing.
- Winifred Imoyera is a Program Officer with HACEY Health Initiative, with five years’ experience promoting health in several parts of southern and western Nigeria. Using the FP INFOcus approach, Winifred has developed and shared a series of mobile phone videos aimed at increasing youth’s knowledge of long-acting reversible contraceptives.
- David Adewoye is an IT and Communications Manager with HACEY Health Initiative. He has collaborated on several mobile and web-based projects, including HACEY’s FP INFOcus video series, and actively promotes the use of technology in addressing health challenges.