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VMMC offers a unique opportunity to engage adolescent and adult males in high-quality HIV prevention communication and services, and to share key messages with males who otherwise might not interact with the health system. The new VMMC In-Service Communication Best Practices Guide helps to ensure that the communication and counseling at VMMC sites is comprehensive and standardized across PEPFAR’s country programs. Join us on November 7 for a webinar that will provide an overview of this new reference guide and how best to use it to improve communication with VMMC clients.
Presenters include:
- Kim Seifert-Ahanda, Senior Social and Behavior Change Advisor, Office of HIV/AIDS, U.S. Agency for International Development
- Jonathan Davitte, VMMC Advisor, HIV/AIDS Prevention Project, U.S. Department of Defense
- Lani Marquez, Knowledge Management Director, USAID ASSIST Project, University Research Co., LLC
- Patrick Devos, Mozambique Country Director, Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs
- Elizabeth Gold, Senior Technical Advisor, VMMC Communication, HC3
Followed by a Q&A moderated by:
- Dan C. Rutz, Health Communication Specialist, Division of Global HIV/AIDS, Center for Global Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
*Please note that Eastern Daylight Savings Time ends on Sunday, November 6. Because of this, the webinar will take place at 2 PM West Africa Time / 3 PM Central Africa Time / 4 PM East Africa Time.