On March 16 at 9 am EDT, please log on to: https://connect.johnshopkins.edu/mip/
Malaria in pregnancy is responsible for the death of over 100,000 newborns and 10,000 pregnant women every year. While the means to prevent and treat malaria in pregnancy are inexpensive and cost-effective, uptake of this crucial intervention is low across sub-Saharan Africa.
On Thursday, March 16 at 9 am EDT, presenters from the Maternal and Child Survival Program (MCSP) and the Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) will describe current efforts to improve prevention and treatment of malaria in pregnancy that focus on service providers, pregnant women and those who influence both groups.
Presenters include:
Fadzai Mutseyekwa is the Director of Innovations, Research M&E on the USAID/MCHIP Zimbabwe Associate Award. She is a public health physician who has been involved in various learning activities within the Malaria program in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Child Care supported by the President’s Malaria Initiative. Fadzai will describe research protocol for an ongoing study on intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in Zimbabwe. |
Patricia Gomez is a Senior Technical Advisor for maternal and newborn health at Jhpiego. She is a member of the MCSP malaria team and supports work in malaria in pregnancy and maternal and newborn health in Africa and Asia. Patricia will describe the development of a job aid that aims to make guidelines for uncomplicated malaria among women of reproductive age accessible and easily understood among health workers. |
Michael Toso is a Program Officer for Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs on the HC3 project. He coordinates the Roll Back Malaria Social and Behavior Change Communication Working Group, supports HC3 country projects, and works with the President’s Malaria Initiative to develop and disseminate global guidance and tools on SBCC for malaria in pregnancy and case management. Mike will present a guide to developing country-level malaria communication strategies for malaria in pregnancy. |