All times are in Eastern Time (America/New_York) unless otherwise indicated.

Impact of Health Communication on HIV Treatment Outcomes

Location: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health 615 N. Wolfe Street, Baltimore, United States

You’re invited to attend a panel discussion (either in-person or online) with a selection of authors featured in the supplement issue of the Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes (JAIDS) released on December 9. This ten-article supplement specifically addresses the role health communication plays in treatment outcomes and provides a compilation of experiences from low- […]

Improving Public Health Emergency Programs with SBCC


In this webinar, we will introduce the SBCC Emergency Helix and practical resources for integrating it into current and future public health emergencies. Speakers will discuss the importance of continuous community engagement, formative and operational research, and media partnership in emergency contexts. The discussion will draw upon speakers' experiences with the Ebola and Zika responses.

HC3 Innovation Webinar 15: Data Visualization


On Wednesday, March 8 at 9 AM ET, log on to: Data visualization plays a key role across global health programs in clearly and effectively communicating information to all audiences, including beneficiaries, program managers and donors. By presenting data in ways that are both visually appealing and easy to understand, data visualization can be […]

Strengthening SBCC Capacity at the National Level to Improve Health Outcomes Webinar


You're invited to attend an online event on March 23, 2017 on multi-level social and behavior change communication (SBCC) capacity strengthening approaches that engage both the public sector and local SBCC practitioners to improve overall health outcomes. This event is the second in the Health Communication Capacity Collaborative's (HC3) three-part series on catalyzing SBCC.

Capacity Strengthening Evaluation: What Role Can Outcome Harvesting Play?


In 2013, USAID acknowledged outcome harvesting as one of the innovative complexity-aware monitoring methods that HC3 uses to evaluate its capacity strengthening programs. In this webinar on March 30, experts on capacity strengthening evaluation and outcome harvesting will come together to discuss the challenges of evaluating capacity strengthening and how outcome harvesting can address some of these challenges.

Meeting Adolescents’ Needs: Findings from a Three-Country VMMC Assessment


Please join HC3 on Thursday, May 4 at 8am EDT to learn about the findings from a three-country Adolescent VMMC Assessment. The goal of the study was to gain a better understanding of whether VMMC programs are adequately meeting adolescent needs in age-appropriate ways by exploring counseling, communication and client-provider interaction. Cross-country comparisons will be shared from […]

World Social Marketing Conference – DC

Renaissance Arlington Capital View Hotel

The 5th World Social Marketing Conference will take place in Washington D.C, USA in May 2017. The mission of the World Social Marketing Conference is to act as a vehicle to help build a global movement dedicated to capturing, spreading and nurturing good practice in Social Marketing, as well as increase the efficiency and effectiveness […]

The Critical Role of Social and Behavior Change across the Service Delivery Continuum


Join online on June 8 at 9 am EDT: and enter as a "guest." You are invited to attend the Health Communication Capacity Collaborative's (HC3) third Catalyze event, “The Critical Role of Social and Behavior Change (SBC) across the Service Delivery Continuum” on Thursday, June 8, 2017 from 8:30 am to 1:30 pm EDT at […]

Men as More than Partners: Increasing Men’s Use of Sexual and Reproductive Health Products and Services through SBCC


Please join HC3 on Wednesday, June 21 from 9 - 10 AM EDT to learn about a new guide to help promote sexual and reproductive health (SRH) products and services for men. Presenters will discuss how social and behavior change communication (SBCC) interventions have been designed to successfully increase men’s demand for and use of SRH products and services.

Innovation Webinar 16: Human-Centered Design


On June 27 at 9 AM ET, please log on to: and enter as "Guest." Changing human behavior is challenging. Human-centered design (HCD), an approach to problem solving that prioritizes empathy, counters these challenges by actively engaging end users, providers and other stakeholders throughout the development process. HCD incorporates an understanding of the motivations […]

Coeur de Cible : Sensibilisation sur le VIH des Jeunes Filles Vulnérables


Rejoignez le projet Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) mardi, le 22 août de 8h30 à 9h30 heure de Washington DC, pour un webinaire sur le partage d’expériences réussies sur la sensibilisation des jeunes filles sur le VIH et sur la santé sexuelle et reproductive (SSR) à travers une approche ludique par des discussions de groupes animées et […]

Improving Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health through Digital Storytelling


Please join the Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) on Wednesday, August 23 from 9:00 – 10:00 am EDT to hear about the experiences of young sexual and reproductive health (SRH) champions who have used storytelling to mobilize others around the topic. Speakers will give tips for making quality and engaging videos and positively interacting with viewers.

Strengthening Malaria SBCC through Research, Monitoring and Evaluation


Social and behavior change communication (SBCC) has been used to strengthen malaria efforts by positively influencing use of proven interventions, such as insecticide-treated nets, acceptance of indoor residual-spraying, uptake of intermittent preventive treatment of malaria for pregnant women, and increased prompt care-seeking among those with fever. As the malaria SBCC community moves forward, it is […]

Consolidating the Evidence: Improving Family Planning Uptake through Social and Behavior Change


On September 6 at 9 AM EDT, login to: For decades, social and behavior change (SBC) has been used in family planning (FP) programs to positively influence behaviors around healthy timing and spacing of pregnancy, modern contraceptive use, contraceptive method selection and gender dynamics in FP decision-making with impressive results. However, these SBC successes […]

The Future of Malaria Social and Behavior Change Communication


On Friday, September 22 at 9 AM ET login to: Social and behavior change communication (SBCC) has been used to strengthen malaria efforts by positively influencing the adoption of effective behaviors, such as insecticide-treated net use, acceptance of indoor residual-spraying, uptake of intermittent preventive treatment of malaria for pregnant women, and increased prompt care-seeking among […]

Fall 2017 Global Health Practitioner Conference

Lord Baltimore Hotel 20 West Baltimore Street, Baltimore, MD, United States

Lord Baltimore Hotel, 20 West Baltimore Street, Baltimore, MD CORE Group’s Global Health Practitioner Conferences enable community health advocates (NGOs, academics, donors, private sector, etc.) to collaborate, discuss ideas, and form partnerships for improving programs that save lives around the world. Join CORE Group to discuss emerging challenges and gaps in community health, and explore tools […]

Integrated SBCC Programs: Key Challenges and Promising Strategies


On Monday, September 25 at 9 AM ET, login to: "Integrated SBCC Programs: Key Challenges and Promising Strategies" will provide an overview of key considerations when designing, implementing and evaluating integrated social and behavior change communication (SBCC) programs. Presenters will highlight the key advantages and challenges involved in integrated SBCC programs, share experiences and lessons […]

The 2nd International SBCC Summit

Bali, Indonesia Bali, Indonesia

Where Bali, Indonesia Why? The five-day gathering (April 16-20, 2018) will be a week of inspiration, innovation and sharing to advance the global social and behavior change communication (SBCC) agenda for development. As outlined in the Sustainable Development Goals, the world still faces significant health and development challenges – extreme poverty, gender inequities, public health […]

5th International Conference on Family Planning

Kigali Convention Centre Kigali Roundabout, Kimihurura, Kigali, Rwanda

The International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP) serves as a strategic inflection point for the family planning and reproductive health community worldwide. It provides an opportunity for political leaders, scientists, researchers, policymakers, advocates, and youth to disseminate knowledge, celebrate successes, and identify next steps toward reaching the goal of enabling an additional 120 million women […]

USAID logo This website is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under the Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) Cooperative Agreement #AID-OAA-A-12-00058. On-going support is provided by Breakthrough ACTION with support from USAID's Bureau for Global Health, under Cooperative Agreement #AID-OAA-A-17-00017. Breakthrough ACTION is based at Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (CCP). The contents of this website are the sole responsibility of Breakthrough ACTION and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID, the United States Government, or Johns Hopkins University.

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