Join online on June 8 at 9 am EDT: https://connect.johnshopkins.edu/sbcalongcontinuum and enter as a “guest.”
You are invited to attend the Health Communication Capacity Collaborative’s (HC3) third Catalyze event, “The Critical Role of Social and Behavior Change (SBC) across the Service Delivery Continuum” on Thursday, June 8, 2017 from 8:30 am to 1:30 pm EDT at the Capital Hilton in Washington, DC.
This event will explore successes, challenges and promising approaches in the integration of SBC along the service delivery continuum to improve health outcomes. Following the presentation of a new overarching model developed by HC3, a panel discussion will focus on grounded strategies which have been used to effectively integrate SBC to improve service-related outcomes across a range of health areas. All participants will be invited to problem solve and brainstorm around specific challenges and solutions through interactive break-out sessions related to service communication in their technical health area of expertise, including family planning, HIV/AIDS, malaria and maternal, newborn and child health.
We hope you can join us either in-person or via a live webinar for the plenary/panel discussion!
8:30 am – 9:00 am – Registration, Coffee
9:00 am – 11: 00 am – Plenary/Panel Discussion
11:00 am – 12:30 pm – Break-out sessions
12:30 pm – 1:30 pm – Networking, Lunch
Dr. Koki Agarwal, Director, Maternal and Child Survival Program, Jhpiego (Opening remarks)
Lynn Van Lith, HIV/AIDS Team Lead, Health Communication Capacity Collaborative/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (Moderator)
- Elizabeth Arlotti-Parish, Technical Advisor, Sexual Reproductive Health Rights, Social Behavior Change, EngenderHealth
- Patrick Devos, Country Director Mozambique, Health Communication Capacity Collaborative/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs
- Erin Mielke, Reproductive Health Senior Technical Advisor, USAID
- Dr. Mojisola Odeku, Chief of Party, NURHI2, Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs
This is the final event in the HC3’s three-part series on catalyzing SBC. The first event highlighted the role of SBCC in emergencies, while the second explored strengthening SBC capacity at the national level to improve health outcomes.
There will be a recorded web cast of the plenary sessions.