Webinar on Meeting Adolescents’ Needs: Findings from a Three-Country VMMC Assessment

This webinar highlighted the findings from a three-country Adolescent VMMC Assessment. The goal of the study was to gain a better understanding of whether VMMC programs are adequately meeting adolescent needs in age-appropriate ways by exploring counseling, communication and client-provider interaction. Cross-country comparisons were shared from Tanzania, Zimbabwe and South Africa. The findings have implications for all countries working in the VMMC arena as well as in adolescent sexual and reproductive health programming.

Presenter: Principal Investigator

Aaron Tobian, MD, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Pathology, Medicine and Epidemiology at The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Bloomberg School of Public Health. He is also an Associate Director of Transfusion Medicine at Johns Hopkins Hospital and Investigator with the Rakai Heath Sciences Program in Uganda. In collaboration with the Rakai Health Sciences Program, Dr. Tobian has demonstrated that male circumcision reduces the risk of herpes simplex virus type-2 (HSV-2), high-risk human papillomavirus (HR-HPV) and proinflammatory anaerobes in the penile microbiome in heterosexual men, and has proven that male circumcision also has direct benefits for female partners. Dr. Tobian has authored more than 140 peer-reviewed articles in journals including The New England Journal of Medicine, JAMA, Lancet and Clinical Infectious Diseases. His work has also been featured on the NBC Today Show, BBC World Service, National Public Radio, USA Today and other media outlets.

This webinar was moderated by Kim Seifert-Ahanda, MPH, Senior Social and Behavior Change Advisor, Office of HIV/AIDS, USAID

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