
92 search results for:


Impact of Community Level Factors on HIV Outcomes

On July 1, HC3 held a webinar titled, Impact of Community Level Factors on HIV Outcomes, focusing on different aspects of HIV and health communication. Presentations focused on community level factors shown to impact HIV, what they are and what effect they have; community-level determinants that potentiate or mitigate HIV outcomes among key populations; and included an example of a community-based project that aimed to reduce HIV transmission and…


Influencer la Santé Sexuelle et Reproductive des Jeunes Urbains Grace à la Communication Pour le Changememt Social et Comportemental; Revue de la Documentation: Synthèse

Revue de la Documentation: Synthèse This document summarizes findings from Influencing the Sexual and Reproductive Health of Urban Youth through Social and Behavior Change Communication, a literature review and program scan of peer-reviewed and grey literature on sexual and reproductive health (SRH) of adolescents and youth in urban areas to explore the behavioral drivers, barriers and contextual factors and identify SBCC interventions targeting …


Influence of Different Sources of Exposure to Family Planning Campaigns, Results from a Survey of Men and Women in Tanzania

The use of modern contraceptives is important for the health and well‐being of women and their families. In Tanzania, the contraceptive prevalence rate has remained relatively low at 27%, and the total fertility rate relatively high at 5.4 children per woman, with significant disparities in rural areas. To address this reality, seven family planning campaigns in mainland Tanzania used social and behavioral change communication to promote use of …