
56 search results for:


Other HIV Prevention Strategies Evidence Fact Sheet

… Download the Other HIV Prevention Strategies Evidence Fact Sheet. This fact sheet shows the strength of the existing evidence that demonstrates the impact health communication has on other HIV prevention strategies like partner reduction and discouraging cross-generational sex. [DOWNLOAD] Other HIV Prevention Evidence Fact Sheet Related resources: HIV Evidence Database HIV Evidence Infographic – Other HIV Prevention Strategies …


Gender Equity and Family Planning Outcomes in Health Communication Programs: A Secondary Data Analysis (Full Report)

This report is based on secondary data analyses performed on studies in Tanzania, Malawi, India and Nigeria. After a brief introduction to the importance of gender equity for health communication efforts to improve RH outcomes, this report outlines the methodology and results for each of the data sets analyzed. For each study, the following information is provided. Brief description and background of the project/study. Study methodology, includin…


HC3 Capacity Strengthening Fact Sheet

As the USAID flagship social and behavior change communication (SBCC) project, the Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) has a mandate to serve the entire global SBCC community. That community includes SBCC organizations, service delivery organizations that integrate SBCC into their programs, government partners responsible for oversight of health education and health communication, journalists, universities, advertising agencies and …


Healthy Timing and Spacing of Pregnancy Research Briefs: Advanced Maternal Age and High-Parity Pregnancy in Togo and Niger

In 2015, HC3 conducted research to better understand the knowledge, attitudes, practices and socio-cultural factors in Togo and Niger that lead women to continue having children later in life and after they have already had many births. Focusing solely on women age 35 and older and women having five or more births, the research ultimately informed the HC3 Healthy Timing and Spacing of Pregnancy (HTSP) Advanced Maternal Age and High-Parity Pregnan…


Service Delivery Continuum: SBC Tools and Resources

To improve service-related health outcomes, clients must access services, communicate effectively with providers and adopt and maintain healthy behaviors. Social and Behavior Change (SBC) plays an integral role in achieving each of those outcomes. Using SBC across the service delivery continuum—before, during and after services—can improve health outcomes by: Creating an enabling environment Motivating clients to access services Improving the cli…


HC3 in Action: SBCC in Public Health Emergencies

The “HC3 in Action” series documents and synthesizes the Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) project’s experiences and lessons learned on topics that cut across the project’s diverse portfolio of activities. Each brief draws from HC3’s work in 34 countries, as well as initiatives, tools and resources developed at the global level. With the support of USAID, HC3 is working with public health systems in Africa and Latin America in var…


Les Synthèses de l’étude : Planification et espacement idéal des grossesses pour la santé (PEIGS)

En 2015, le Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3, Collectif de ressources en communication sur la santé) a mené une recherche visant à mieux comprendre les connaissances, les attitudes, les pratiques et les facteurs socio-culturels au Togo et au Niger qui incitent les femmes à continuer de faire des enfants à un âge avancé, y compris après plusieurs naissances. En se focalisant uniquement sur les femmes âgées de 35 ans et plus et sur …


Malaria SBCC Evidence Factsheets on ITN Behaviors, Case Management and Service Providers

This collection of factsheets synthesizes the key findings from a critical, multiphase review that HC3 conducted of approximately 3,600 peer-reviewed articles and 1,700 grey literature documents to assess the evidence for malaria social and behavior change communication (SBCC). These findings are presented below in three malaria technical areas: insecticide-treated net behaviors, case management and service providers.     Impact of SBCC on Insect…