
56 search results for:


HC3 in Action: Supporting Youth Health with SBCC

Adolescents and youth, ages 10 to 24, make up a quarter of the world’s total population. They are a driving force, shaping our global future. The Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3), the United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) flagship program for social and behavior change communication (SBCC), uses new, innovative and sustainable ways to reach youth and adolescents in support of USAID’s Youth in Development Po…


Social and Behavior Change Communication and Reproductive Empowerment Mapping: Brief on Key Findings

The Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) conducted a literature scan to explore the strengths and gaps of social and behavior change communication (SBCC) in reproductive health interventions for reproductive empowerment (RE). With this goal in mind, HC3 sought to find studies of interventions that met three main criteria: included SBCC activities, aimed at improving family planning or sexual and reproductive health (SRH) outcomes and…


HC3 in Action: Strengthening the SBCC System

The HC3 in Action series documents and synthesizes HC3’s experiences and lessons learned on topics that cut across the project’s diverse portfolio of activities. Each brief draws from HC3’s work in 34 countries as well as initiatives, tools and resources developed at the global level. This technical brief describes the components of an effective Social and Behavior Change Communication system and then provides spotlights on HC3’s work in five cou…


HC3 in Action: Enhancing Family Planning Service Delivery through SBC

The HC3 in Action series documents and synthesizes HC3’s experiences and lessons learned on topics that cut across the project’s diverse portfolio of activities. Each brief draws from HC3’s work in 34 countries as well as initiatives, tools and resources developed at the global level. This brief describes key examples, challenges and insights from family planning service delivery initiatives across the HC3 project. Enhancing Family Planning Servi…


Spotlight on Neonatal Resuscitation for Birth Asphyxia

This fact sheet is part of a series on Demand Generation for 13 Life-Saving Commodities: A Synthesis of the Evidence. Basic resuscitation equipment is not available in many low-resource settings, and was therefore identified by the UN Commission on Life-Saving Commodities for Women’s and Children’s Health as one of 13 commodities that if more widely accessed and properly used, could save the lives of more than six million women and children world…


Scaling Up Child Survival Programs with Mass Media and Technology

… Mass media and technological approaches are less common in neonatal and child health, but when used effectively can reach large and geographically dispersed audiences, which interpersonal and group-based interventions cannot do. Scaling Up Child Survival Programs with Mass Media and Technology (PDF) …