
53 search results for:


SBCC Capacity Strengthening in Action: HC3 Facilitates Transition of the National AIDS Resource Center to the Federal Ministry of Health in Ethiopia

… This case study explores how national and regional services for HIV prevention and control transitioned from a donor-funded, partner-operated effort to being the full responsibility of the Federal Ministry of Health in Ethiopia. [Download] HC3 Facilitates Transition of the National AIDS Resource Center to the Federal Ministry of Health in Ethiopia …


SBCC Capacity Strengthening in Action: Distributed Social and Behavior Change Communication Capacity Enables Nepal’s Young Married Couples to Make Smart Family Planning Choices

This case study explains a national Family Planning SBCC campaign that HC3 launched in partnership with Nepal’s Ministry of Health/National Health Education Information Communication Center (NHEICC) and the MOH’s Family Health Division. The campaign, Parivar Niyojan Smart Bancha Jeewan/Family Planning Makes a Smart Life, started in August 2015 and was tailored specifically to reach young people, migrants and disadvantaged groups. Download Nepal C…


Factors Impacting the Effectiveness of Community Health Worker Behavior Change: A Literature Review

Social and behavior change communication (SBCC), which uses communication to positively influence the social dimensions of health and well-being, is an important strategy for improving health services at the provider level. As community health workers (CHWs) play an increasingly important role in providing health services, there is also an increasing focus on to how to use SBCC strategies to build CHWs’ capacity to offer quality services to the c…


Strengthening SBCC Capacity at the National Level to Improve Health Outcomes for All

On March 23, the Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) convened experts and practitioners for the second in a three-part series on catalyzing social and behavior change communication (SBC). Presenters: Dr. Elizabeth Fox, PhD, Deputy Coordinator, Child and Maternal Survival | Director, Office of Infectious Diseases, USAID Kirsten Böse, HC3 Project Director Bill Glass, Director, Strategic Communication Programs, Johns Hopkins Center for…


Webinar on Capacity Strengthening Evaluation: What Role Can Outcome Harvesting Play?

This March 30, 2017 webinar featured an expert panel that discussed the challenges of evaluating capacity strengthening, what makes the outcome harvesting methodology unique and how outcome harvesting addresses some of the challenges of capacity strengthening evaluation. In 2013, USAID named outcome harvesting as one of several innovative complexity-aware monitoring methods. The Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) has used outcome h…


Bangladesh Knowledge Management Initiative: Strengthening Capacity for Social and Behavior Change Communication

This end of project report highlights the Bangladesh Knowledge Management Initiative (BKMI), a three-year (2013-2016) USAID-funded project under the global HC3 project that supported the Government of Bangladesh, USAID implementing partners and other stakeholders to develop strong, consistent and effective social and behavior change communication (SBCC) campaigns and interventions to improve the health and wellbeing of the people of Bangladesh. B…


Service Delivery Continuum: SBC Tools and Resources

To improve service-related health outcomes, clients must access services, communicate effectively with providers and adopt and maintain healthy behaviors. Social and Behavior Change (SBC) plays an integral role in achieving each of those outcomes. Using SBC across the service delivery continuum—before, during and after services—can improve health outcomes by: Creating an enabling environment Motivating clients to access services Improving the cli…


The Circle of Care Model

The Circle of Care Model shows how service delivery and social and behavior change (SBC) can work together to improve health outcomes. Three key principles support the model: Effective coordination among SBC and service delivery partners – promotes common understanding regarding program planning, message development, intervention approaches and monitoring and evaluation Segmenting, prioritizing and profiling of key audiences – helps to understand…


Webinar: The Critical Role of Social and Behavior Change across the Service Delivery Continuum

  This webcast event explored successes, challenges and promising approaches of the integration of social and behavior change (SBC) along the service delivery continuum to improve health outcomes. Following the presentation of a new overarching model developed by HC3 – the Circle of Care – a panel discussion focused on grounded strategies which have been used to effectively integrate SBC to improve service-related outcomes across a range of healt…


How Social and Behavior Change Works in Partnership with Service Delivery

… Using examples from HC3 country projects in Nepal, Nigeria and Swaziland, this video illustrates the integral role SBC interventions played along the service delivery continuum in achieving positive outcomes. Using SBC before, during and after services can improve health outcomes by: Creating an enabling environment Motivating clients to access services Improving the client-provider interaction Supporting behavioral maintenance …