
66 search results for:


Enhancing Benefits or Increasing Harms: Community Responses for HIV Among Men Who Have Sex With Men, Transgender Women, Female Sex Workers, and People Who Inject Drugs

A synthesis of evidence characterizing community-level determinants and their influence on HIV-related outcomes for key populations, this systematic review revealed a limitation of studies conducted that focused on key populations in LMICs. The authors stress the importance of health communication programs, demonstrated to be effective in increasing HIV testing uptake and decreasing the stigma of people living with HIV, that continually measure c…


Scaling Up and Sustaining Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision: Maintaining HIV Prevention Benefits

This article asserts that, in order to maintain high circumcision prevalence, voluntary medical male circumcision programs in Eastern and Southern Africa need to plan for sustainability and conduct transition assessments early on, rather than waiting until the saturation of priority targets at the end of the program. This article was first published on July 1, 2016, in Volume 4, Supplement 1 of Global Health: Science and Practice. Download the Ar…


Engaging Community Leaders: A Tool For Facilitating Dialogue

This tool is aimed at engaging community leaders to reduce vulnerabilities and increase the safety of adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) in Swaziland’s HIV response. It was developed to assist community leaders in creating a protective environment to reduce the vulnerability of AGYW and advocate for modification of harmful cultural norms and practices that place AGYW at risk of HIV infection. Composed of four sections: Gender and HIV, AGYW V…


Young Women’s Savings and Empowerment Clubs: A Guide for Mentors

The Young Women Empowerment programme focuses on reducing the vulnerability of young women (20-24) to HIV and gender based violence (GBV) through community-based HIV prevention, using a combination of socio-economic approaches. This tool is focusing on economic empowerment, conducting financial education training and helping to start savings and loans self-help clubs for young women. This manual guides Mentors in setting up YWSECs and in providin…


Engaging Community Leaders to Provide a Safe and Supportive Environment for Adolescent Girls and Young Women

This training is designed to strengthen the capacity of community leaders to create a protective environment that reduces the vulnerability of adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) , as well as to increase agency for males and females to reduce GBV and advocate for modification of harmful cultural norms or practices that place AGYW at risk for HIV infection. Engaging Community Leaders to Provide a Safe and Supportive Environment for Adolescent …


Strategic Communication Framework for Hormonal Contraceptive Methods and Potential HIV-Related Risks

… This Strategic Communication Framework was developed as a tool to assist country stakeholders in the adaptation and dissemination of information pertaining to hormonal contraception and HIV risk at regional, national and local levels. Download “Strategic Communication Framework for Hormonal Contraceptive Methods and Potential HIV-Related Risks” (PDF) …


Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision In-Service Communication Best Practices Guide

The U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief’s (PEPFAR’s) Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC) Technical Working Group(TWG) identified the need for a counseling reference guide during external quality assurance assessments conducted in several priority countries in 2013-2014. These assessments revealed inconsistencies in core content and key messages communicated to clients. The Communication Sub-Group (CSG) later confirmed the need …


Webinar: Making the Most of In-Service Communication: A Reference Guide to VMMC Counseling

This November 7, 2016 webinar VMMC walks users through the new VMMC In-Service Communication Best Practices Guide, which helps to ensure that the communication and counseling at VMMC sites is comprehensive and standardized across PEPFAR’s country programs. The webinar was moderated by: Dan C. Rutz, Health Communication Specialist, Division of Global HIV/AIDS, Center for Global Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Panelists included:…


JAIDS 2016 Impact of Health Communication on HIV Treatment Outcomes – In-person and Online event

A selection of authors featured in the supplement issue of the Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes (JAIDS) released on December 9 presented at an in-person event and via a webinar. This ten-article supplement specifically addresses the role health communication plays in treatment outcomes and provides a compilation of experiences from low- and middle-income countries.It is an extension and follow up to the 2014 JAIDS Supplement, “Heal…


SBCC Capacity Strengthening in Action: HC3 Facilitates Transition of the National AIDS Resource Center to the Federal Ministry of Health in Ethiopia

… This case study explores how national and regional services for HIV prevention and control transitioned from a donor-funded, partner-operated effort to being the full responsibility of the Federal Ministry of Health in Ethiopia. [Download] HC3 Facilitates Transition of the National AIDS Resource Center to the Federal Ministry of Health in Ethiopia …


Webinar: Health Communication’s Role Across the HIV Treatment Continuum

This January 12, 2017 webinar featured a selection of authors from the January 1, 2017 supplement of the Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes (JAIDS). The supplement highlighted the role of health communication across the HIV treatment continuum. Panelists included: Renee Heffron PhD, MPH, International Clinical Research Center, University of Washington [Presentation: Counseling Framework for HIV-serodiscordant Couples on the Integrate…