
62 search results for:


Webinar: Six Local Stories of Generating Demand for RMNCAH Commodities

This September 8, 2016 webinar brought together six panelists – all recipients of a small project grant – to discuss their experiences in adapting and using the Demand Generation I-Kit for their local context and their efforts toward developing and implementing demand generation strategies in their respective countries. This is the final installment in a three-part series held in support of the United Nations Commission on Life-Saving Commodities…


Journey to a Bright Future Guide

… This facilitator manual is part of a set of materials developed for use under the HC3/Sierra Leone project that will be used for training and leading community discussions which complement the HC3/Sierra Leone activities being carried out at the health facility level, as well as through mass media and national level capacity strengthening. Journey to a Bright Future Guide …


Healthy Life Campaign Materials (Liberia)

While the Healthy Life logo has existed since 2010, HC3 supported Liberia’s Ministry of Health to breathe new life into it by re-launching and branding it as a symbol of trust, hope, happiness and well-being. The Healthy Life logo, used on all MOH materials represents partnership between community & health care providers, access to health information & services and building healthy families. The first campaign under the revitalized brand focused …


Participatory Communication Strategy

HC3 worked in close collaboration with the USAID mission in Guatemala and 12 USAID-funded health and development partners active in the Western Highlands to develop the “Juntos Prosperamos” (“Together We Prosper”) brand and a social and behavior change communication (SBCC) strategy. The strategy unifies activities across the areas important during the “First 1,000 Days” (from the beginning of a pregnancy through the end of a child’s first year) –…


An Adaptable Communication Strategy for Demand Generation: Chlorhexidine

Who should use this Communication Strategy? It is designed to be useful to multiple audiences, including staff from ministries of health, non-governmental organizations (NGO) and community-based organizations. The Strategy can support the efforts of communication professionals working directly on behavior change communication programs as well as other professionals working in reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health (RMNCH) who need to cr…


Adapting the Demand Generation Implementation Kit: Development of an Android Mobile Application for Adolescents and Youth on Sexual and Reproductive Health in Nepal

Nepal is at the cross roads of a social transformation. Previously held social norms of being sexually active only after marriage is not adhered to by young people. Adolescents and youth are by nature curious about sexual issues and today it is easier than ever before to access sexual content from electronic media and the internet, including social media. However, young people may not have many opportunities to receive correct and credible answer…


Guinea: Bridges of Hope – Getting Communities Engaged in Health Decisions

As Guinea continues to recover from Ebola, the Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) is working with the country’s hardest hit communities to rebuild both trust in the health system and the quality of care delivered. This series of case studies examines some of HC3’s activities and tools that were part of an overall social and behavior change communication (SBCC) strategy to improve health behaviors and increase the demand for and use…


Guinea: Community Dialogues – Bringing Communities and Health Facilities Together

As Guinea continues to recover from Ebola, the Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) is working with the country’s hardest hit communities to rebuild both trust in the health system and the quality of care delivered. This series of case studies examines some of HC3’s activities and tools that were part of an overall social and behavior change communication (SBCC) strategy to improve health behaviors and increase the demand for and use…


Guinea: Gold Star Campaign – Branding Quality Health Services

As Guinea continues to recover from Ebola, the Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) is working with the country’s hardest hit communities to rebuild both trust in the health system and the quality of care delivered. This series of case studies examines some of HC3’s activities and tools that were part of an overall social and behavior change communication (SBCC) strategy to improve health behaviors and increase the demand for and use…


Guinea: Interactive Radio Programs – Getting the Community’s Perspective

As Guinea continues to recover from Ebola, the Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) is working with the country’s hardest hit communities to rebuild both trust in the health system and the quality of care delivered. This series of case studies examines some of HC3’s activities and tools that were part of an overall social and behavior change communication (SBCC) strategy to improve health behaviors and increase the demand for and use…


Guinea: Interpersonal Communication and Counseling – Building Trust in the Health System

As Guinea continues to recover from Ebola, the Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) is working with the country’s hardest hit communities to rebuild both trust in the health system and the quality of care delivered. This series of case studies examines some of HC3’s activities and tools that were part of an overall social and behavior change communication (SBCC) strategy to improve health behaviors and increase the demand for and use…