
21 search results for:


Urban Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health SBCC I-Kit Launch Webinar

This webinar was held on October 21, 2015 and introduced attendees to HC3’s Urban Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Social and Behavior Change Communication Implementation Kit (I-Kit). The I-Kit is designed to help program managers design and implement sound social and behavior change communication (SBCC) sexual and reproductive health (SRH) programs for 10 to 19 year-olds living in urban areas. While the I-Kit was written with the vast S…


Guide to Designing Sexual and Reproductive Health Programs for Youth in Egypt

This guide is derived from the Urban Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive HealthSocial and Behavior Change Communication Implementation Kit, adapted to the Egyptian context for youth ages 15-24, for youth living in urban and rural contexts. The Guide also has broader information and application for the Middle East and North Africa region.   Social and Behavior Change Communication: Guide to Designing Sexual and Reproductive Health Programs for Yout…


HC3 in Action: Supporting Youth Health with SBCC

Adolescents and youth, ages 10 to 24, make up a quarter of the world’s total population. They are a driving force, shaping our global future. The Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3), the United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) flagship program for social and behavior change communication (SBCC), uses new, innovative and sustainable ways to reach youth and adolescents in support of USAID’s Youth in Development Po…


Engaging Community Leaders to Provide a Safe and Supportive Environment for Adolescent Girls and Young Women

This training is designed to strengthen the capacity of community leaders to create a protective environment that reduces the vulnerability of adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) , as well as to increase agency for males and females to reduce GBV and advocate for modification of harmful cultural norms or practices that place AGYW at risk for HIV infection. Engaging Community Leaders to Provide a Safe and Supportive Environment for Adolescent …


Young Women’s Savings and Empowerment Clubs: A Guide for Mentors

The Young Women Empowerment programme focuses on reducing the vulnerability of young women (20-24) to HIV and gender based violence (GBV) through community-based HIV prevention, using a combination of socio-economic approaches. This tool is focusing on economic empowerment, conducting financial education training and helping to start savings and loans self-help clubs for young women. This manual guides Mentors in setting up YWSECs and in providin…


Urban Adolescent Social and Behavior Change Communication Implementation Kit

The Urban Adolescent Social and Behavior Change Communication Implementation Kit (I-Kit) provides a selection of Essential Elements and tools to guide the creation, or strengthening, of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) social and behavior change communication (SBCC) programs for urban adolescents aged 10 to 19. The I-Kit is designed to teach these essential SBCC elements and includes worksheets to illustrate each element and facilitate practi…


Swazi Girls4Health: Communicating About HIV Risk Reduction Strategies with Adolescent Girls and Young Women

The goal of Swaziland’s extended National Multisectoral Strategic Framework for HIV and AIDS (eNSF, 2014–2018) is to halt the spread of HIV and reverse its impact on Swazi society. The first priority, in pursuit of that goal, is to prevent new HIV infections and reduce mortality among people living with HIV (PLHIV). Political and community leaders in Swaziland, in concert with service providers and the support of development partners, are working…


Webinar on LARC Methods: Increasing Contraceptive Options for Youth

This webinar, held on April 26, 2016, discussed important milestones surrounding youth and Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptive Methods (LARCs) – strategies for improving policies, tips for empowering youth-friendly service providers and social and behavior change communication (SBCC) tools for promoting conversation between providers and youth. Click here for a recording of the webinar. Individual presentations from the webinar are below: Rena G…


Webinaire: Manuel de mis en œuvre pour la communication pour le changement social et comportemental de la santé sexuelle et reproductive destinée aux adolescents en milieu urbain

Webinaire: Manuel de mis en œuvre pour la communication pour le changement social et comportemental de la santé sexuelle et reproductive destinée aux adolescents en milieu urbain. ( Jeudi, le 21 janvier Présentateur: Mohamad Syar: Manuel de Miseen OEuvre de CCSC pour la SSR des Jeunes Urbains Présentatrice: Alessia Radice Manuel pour la CCSC et la SSR des adolescents en milieu urbain*EN LIGNE…