
56 search results for:


About HC3

… Click here to download. This fact sheet describes the Health Communication Capacity Collaborative, its main areas of focus and its partners. It also has information about working with HC3 and the project’s philosophy regarding social and behavior change communication. Learn more about the Health Communication Capacity Collaborative here. (French, Spanish, Portuguese) …


Gender Equity in Health Communication Programs (Report Summary)

Gender equity is an important determinant of health, especially in the area of reproductive health and family planning. Yet, evaluating the relationship between gender equity and family planning programs is not a simple task. HC3 analyzed four country programs to determine if there is a significant relationship between gender equity and current use of family planning, and also whether exposure to communication intervention components is significa…


The Extended Parallel Processing Model

The Extended Parallel Processing Model (also widely known as Threat Management or Fear Management) describes how rational considerations (efficacy beliefs) and emotional reactions (fear of a health threat) combine to determine behavioral decisions. The degree to which a person feels threatened by a health issue determines his or her motivation to act, while one’s confidence to effectively reduce or prevent the threat determines the action itself….


Social Learning Theory

Social (or Observational) Learning Theory stipulates that people can learn new behaviors by observing others. Earlier learning theories emphasized how people behave in response to environmental stimuli, such as physical rewards or punishment. In contrast, social learning emphasizes the reciprocal relationship between social characteristics of the environment, how they are perceived by individuals, and how motivated and able a person is to reprodu…



… Ideation refers to how new ways of thinking (or new behaviors) are diffused through a community by means of communication and social interaction among individuals and groups. Behavior is influenced by multiple social and psychological factors, as well as skills and environmental conditions that facilitate behavior. SBCC can affect all of these factors. Ideation …


Propensity Score Matching

… Propensity Score Matching (PSM) is a statistical technique that allows researchers to more accurately measure social and behavior change communication (SBCC) program impact and to make a strong case for causal attribution. It helps researchers determine whether the program was actually responsible for the changes in knowledge, attitudes and behaviors that occurred. Propensity Score Matching …


Community Engagement

Behavior change is something that cannot happen in isolation. Nor can it be imposed on people in a top-down manner. Successful behavior change reaches and engages a broad group of individuals in the community and considers their opinions, needs and values. Community engagement involves working collaboratively with and through groups of individuals, organizations and institutions in your community that may be affected, interested or concerned by t…


Condom Use Evidence Fact Sheet

… Download the Condom Use Evidence Fact Sheet. This fact sheet shows the strength of the existing evidence that demonstrates the impact health communication has on condom use. [DOWNLOAD] Condom Use Evidence Fact Sheet Related resources: HIV Evidence Database HIV Evidence Infographic – Condom Use …


Continuum of Care Evidence Fact Sheet

… Download the Continuum of Care Evidence Fact Sheet. This fact sheet shows the strength of the existing evidence that demonstrates the impact health communication has on the HIV Continuum of Care. [DOWNLOAD] Continuum of Care Evidence Fact Sheet Related resources: HIV Evidence Database HIV Evidence Infographic – Continuum of Care …