
38 search results for:


Modern Communities of Practice: Recommendations for Building, Maintaining and Measuring Impact

… Modern Communities of Practice: Recommendations for Building, Maintaining and Measuring Impact This report from the Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) – Modern Communities of Practice: Recommendations for Building, Maintaining, and Measuring Impact – describes best practices for harnessing such collaborative spaces while also leveraging face-to-face interaction. …


National Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Survey on Ebola Virus Disease in Liberia

The knowledge, attitudes and practices survey (KAP II) was a cross‐sectional survey conducted as part of the HC3 Liberia project (2015-2017) in 10 counties in Liberia. The overall purpose of the KAP II survey was to assess changes related to Ebola virus disease (Ebola) since the conclusion of the KAP I survey in March 2015, including the ways in which the Ebola response influenced engagement in preventive behaviors and perceptions of health-care …


Estrategia de Comunicación Participativa

Fortaleciendo el Hogar y el Liderazgo para la Reducción de la Desnutrición Crónica e Incremento de la Higiene y Diversificación de Huertos HC3 llevó a cabo un Análisis de la Situación a múltiples niveles en el área del WHIP (Western Highlands Integrated Program) incorporando un análisis del acciones de comunicación de los proyectos del WHIP, la revisión de una vasta bibliografía, la ejecución de diagnósticos rápidos con líderes religiosos, la pen…


Enabling the Success of Social and Behavior Change Communication and Social Marketing NGOs: Recommendations from the Expert Consultation on High-Performing SBCC and SM Organizations

This guidance document is the product of a four-day meeting in May 2016 of more than 40 experts in SBCC and Social Marketing, representing 11 local NGOs from Africa, Asia and South America, INGOs and donors. The objective of the meeting was to identify factors most likely to enable the success and sustainability of local SBCC and social marketing organizations and to determine how local NGOs, INGOs and donors can work together most effectively to…


Social Mobilization Lessons Learned: The Ebola Response in Liberia

The impact of the 2014 Ebola outbreak on Liberia’s already weak health system was considerable. Hundreds of health workers died, trust in the health system was further diminished, and work in other key heath areas, such as maternal and child health, malaria, and HIV, suffered because of the loss of crucial staff and resources. The Ebola epidemic also revealed weaknesses in global health agency/organization response systems, from acknowledging the…


Participatory Communication Strategy

HC3 worked in close collaboration with the USAID mission in Guatemala and 12 USAID-funded health and development partners active in the Western Highlands to develop the “Juntos Prosperamos” (“Together We Prosper”) brand and a social and behavior change communication (SBCC) strategy. The strategy unifies activities across the areas important during the “First 1,000 Days” (from the beginning of a pregnancy through the end of a child’s first year) –…


Bangladesh Knowledge Management Initiative: Strengthening Capacity for Social and Behavior Change Communication

This end of project report highlights the Bangladesh Knowledge Management Initiative (BKMI), a three-year (2013-2016) USAID-funded project under the global HC3 project that supported the Government of Bangladesh, USAID implementing partners and other stakeholders to develop strong, consistent and effective social and behavior change communication (SBCC) campaigns and interventions to improve the health and wellbeing of the people of Bangladesh. B…


SMS Monitoring Survey: Zika Prevention Knowledge and Behaviors in Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras

To inform and support the Zika communication activities in the Latin American and Caribbean region, HC3 conducted a quantitative short message service (SMS) survey in the four focus countries of the USAID Zika Response (El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Dominican Republic) to derive estimates for specific Zika-related knowledge and prevention behavior. The target population for the SMS survey was women and men of reproductive age living in sp…


Abriendo la Mentalidad – Investigación Formativa Sobre Aspiraciones y Dinámica Familiar en Relación a la Higiene y Nutrición

USAID Guatemala ha invitado al proyecto Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) del Centro de Programas de Comunicación (CCP) de la Universidad Johns Hopkins para proporcionar asistencia técnica en el logro de los objetivos del Programa Integrado del Altiplano Occidental. Parte de esta asistencia técnica consiste en apoyar el desarrollo de una estrategia de comunicación para el cambio social y de comportamiento, que contribuya a modific…


Ebola Risk Communication Project in Liberia: Lessons in Crisis Communication

This report, produced by the George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health to document its work on HC3’s Ebola Risk Communication project in Liberia, details the project’s goals of understanding and documenting Ebola-related communication efforts in the country to better inform communication approaches to future crises. This resulted in the development of a codebook that was then applied in order to further analyze the mes…


Expanding our Horizons – Formative Research on Aspirations and Family Dynamics Related to Sanitation and Nutrition

USAID Guatemala invited the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Program’s (CCP) Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) to provide technical assistance to meet the objectives of the West Highlands Integrated Program (WHIP). Part of this technical assistance consists of supporting the development of a social and behavior change communication strategy that will contribute to positive change in existing norms and key behaviors related t…