Using the Health COMpass to Strengthen Social and Behavior Change Communication Capacity

Through a needs assessment with local non-governmental organizations (NGOs), the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Center for Communication Programs’ (JHU·CCP) team in Côte d’Ivoire  identified a SBCC capacity gap related to gender. To address the gap in knowledge and integration of gender into SBCC programs for HIV prevention, the team used the Health COMpass, a new collection of best practice capacity strengthening cotedivoire-ISOFI-covertools from the larger community of social and behavior change communication (SBCC) organizations created by the Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3),  to search for tools that would help introduce gender concepts to the NGOs.

The workshop organizers selected The Inner Spaces, Outer Faces Initiative (ISOFI) toolkit, developed by CARE and International Center for Research on Women (ICRW), because it met local NGO SBCC capacity needs. ISOFI includes group activities to help program staff identify, explore and challenge their own understanding of gender and sexuality in their lives, the lives of project participants and within the organizations in which they work.

cotedivoire ISOFI