Spotlight on Neonatal Resuscitation for Birth Asphyxia

Spotlight on Neonatal Resuscitation for Birth Asphyxia

This fact sheet is part of a series on Demand Generation for 13 Life-Saving Commodities: A Synthesis of the Evidence. Basic resuscitation equipment is not available in many low-resource settings, and was therefore identified by the UN Commission on Life-Saving Commodities for Women’s and Children’s Health as one of 13 commodities that if more widely accessed and properly used, could save the lives of more than six million women and children worldwide.
Spotlight on the Female Condom

Spotlight on the Female Condom

This fact sheet is part of a series on Demand Generation for…
Commodity Chart

Thirteen Life-saving Commodities

Reproductive Health Female Condom Contraceptive…

HC3 Launches Springboard for Health Communication to Strengthen SBCC Capacity Globally

The Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) today launched…
HIV counseling in Mozambique

HIV Prevention Program Addressing Multiple Sexual Partners in Mozambique Shows Positive Results

A new article in the journal AIDS Care looks at how a social…
radio listeners in Nigeria

Examining the Role of the Media in Global Health and Innovation; Insights from Unite for Sight

If you work in health communication, my guess is that you know…
Urban Youth & SBCC

Urban Youth Literature Review: Executive Summary

Influencing the Sexual and Reproductive Health of Urban Youth…

Behavioral Determinants of Urban Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health

This report provides a secondary analysis of DHS data for Benin…
Urban Youth & SBCC

New Reports Offer Insight into Addressing Urban Youth SRH Needs through SBCC

Adolescence and youthhood are life stages defined by transition.…
Urban Youth & SBCC

Measuring the Impact of HIV Health Communication Programs

Resources from the April 30, 2014 webinar.  Presenters included,…
Urban Youth & SBCC