Webinar on Healthy Timing and Spacing of Pregnancy's Forgotten Audiences: Addressing Advanced Maternal Age and High Parity Pregnancies

This May 25, 2016 webinar highlighted the importance of addressing and preventing the risks of pregnancies among women of advanced maternal age (AMA) and high parity (HP).
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Healthy Timing and Spacing of Pregnancy Evidence Review and DHS Secondary Analysis

This report provides an evidence review and DHS secondary analysis on women of advanced maternal age and high parity pregnancies.
Promouvoir la Participation des Familles pour des Grossesses Saines

Engaging Families for Healthy Pregnancies (French)

Promouvoir la Participation des Familles pour des Grossesses…
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Engaging Families for Healthy Pregnancies

This report is a focused desk review of the Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviors related to pregnancies in three high-risk situations: Advanced maternal age, high parity, and rapid repeat pregnancies after abortion or miscarriage.